本研究旨在探究個案學校推動晨讀之現況,個案學校於106學年度參與了國教署與中央大學共同推動的「身教式閱讀與聊書計畫」,藉由該計畫的推動,乃得以深入了解個案學校推動晨讀的緣由,經過及改變為何。本研究為質性研究,以個案學校6位教師為研究參與者,主要以半結構式訪談來搜集資料,並輔以學生札記、圖書館借閱記綠等文件進行研究分析。研究結果發現個案學校受訪的老師們十分認同晨讀活動,認為晨讀能培養學生的閱讀興趣及閱讀習慣,研究者也從個案學校推行晨讀的過程,歸納出其推行身教式晨讀與聊書計畫的四要素—以身作則、持續性、舒適自在的環境以及落實。實施晨讀後,個案學校的受訪老師們認為,學生的閱讀興趣、閱讀習慣及能力有提升,圖書館借閱量也增加了,並希望學校能繼續申請「身教式閱讀與聊書計畫」。除了閱讀的量,也可透過主題閱讀,巡迴書車來提升閱讀的質,藉由校外交流來提升帶領晨讀的技巧,期許能天天晨讀,讓學生有更好的閱讀環境。由研究結果得知:個案學校的晨讀推動是成功的,可供後人推廣晨讀之參考。更多相關建議可參見本文。 The purpose of this study is to explore the experience of a case school in implementing morning reading. In the academic year 2017/18, the case school participated in the "MSSR Program" promoted by the K-12 Education Administration, Ministry of Education and the National Central University. In the process of the program, the researcher came to realize why and how the changes occurred in the case school. The study is a qualitative research. There are six teachers as the main participants. The methods to collect data include semi-structure interviews, students’ journals, and the library book return records. These participants strongly agreed with the benefits of morning reading, they thought that morning reading could develop students’ interests in reading and cultivate their habits of reading. Four main points of implementing morning reading were concluded – setting a good role model, continuity, a comfortable environment and carryout. Morning reading promotes students’ interests and abilities of reading, resulting in the increase of library book return records. Therefore, participants interviewed hoped that the case school can implement MSSR continually. They also suggested school hold theme reading, and use bookmobile to increase the availability of books. Eventually, the program aims to let students read everyday and have a better environment to read. The findings revealed that the implementation of morning reading at the case school is successful. It can be used as a reference for others to implement morning reading. More suggestions could be found in the text.