本研究以苗栗縣國小教師為研究對象,旨在探討教師在學校情境中所知覺的工作壓力、學校心理支持與工作倦怠之關係。為達研究目的,本研究採用調查研究法,並以苗栗縣國民小學教師作為研究對象,蒐集 388 個有效樣本,並以「教師工作壓力量表」、「學校心理支持量表」與「教師工作倦怠量表」作為本研究之研究工具。施測所得資料回收後,以描述性統計分析、獨立樣本 t 檢定、多變量變異數分析、皮爾遜績差相關分析以及逐步多元迴歸分析等統計方法考驗假設。研究結果如下: 一、苗栗縣國小教師知覺工作壓力呈中等偏低程度;學校心理支持呈中等偏高程度;工作倦怠呈中等偏低程度。 二、不同教學年資、婚姻狀況與擔任職務的苗栗縣國小教師在知覺工作壓力有顯著差異。 三、不同年齡、教學年資以及擔任職務的苗栗縣國小教師在知覺學校心理支持有顯著差異。 四、不同年齡、教學年資與擔任職務的苗栗縣國小教師在工作倦怠有顯著差異。 五、苗栗縣國小教師工作壓力與工作倦怠整體具有中度正相關;學校心理支持與工作倦怠整體具有低度負相關。 六、苗栗縣國小教師工作壓力對工作倦怠具有正向顯著預測力;學校心理支持對工作倦怠具有負向顯著預測;教師工作壓力相較學校心理支持對工作倦怠有較佳的預測力。 最後,根據研究發現提出具體建議,以供學校行政以及未來研究之參考。 The current study aimed to investigate the relationships among teachers’ job stress, school psychological supports and job burnout. The researchers used questionnaires to investigate 120 elementary school teachers form 15 different schools in Miaoli county. The questionnaires measured teacher’s job’ stress,school psychological supports and job burnout. After the questionnaire was collected, the researcher used descriptive statistics, Independent-samplet test, one-way MANOVA, Person’s product-moment correlation, multiple regression analysis to analysis the data. The findings of the study were: (1) the elementary school teachers’ in Miaoli county had lower middle level of teacher’s job’ stress, teacher’s school psychological support had higher middle level , and their teacher’s job burnout were lower middle level. (2) Significant differences were found between teachers’ job stress and different teaching experiences, marital status and position. (3) Significant differences were found between teachers’ school psychological support and different teacher’s age, teaching experiences and position. (4) Significant differences were found between teachers’ job burnout and different teacher’s age, teaching experiences and position. (5) Teachers’ job stress and job burnout were singificanty positive correlated. Teachers’ school psychological support and job burnout were singificanty negative correlated. (6) Teachers’ job stress and teacher’ school psychological support were significantly predicted job burnout, however, teacher’ job stess was better predictor while comparing to teacher’ school psychological support predict job burnout.Suggestions were provided for school administers and further studies based on the results of this study.