本研究目的為探討入學前能力與大學學業表現之間的關係,使用2006-2015年的東海大學校務資料,探討各入學科目成績對於入學後的專業科目表現的影響,並歸納出影響入學後學業表現的因素。過去許多校務資料的研究,其客體多為國立大學學生,然而這些學校面對入學制度的更迭與少子化的衝擊,卻不若私立大學顯著。考量到東海大學為中部綜合性私立大學之特性,故在探討各入學科目對於入學後專業科目表現之影響時,歸納之影響因素會有別於其他校務資料研究之成果。 本文結果中,發現不論何種入學管道,學生的自然、社會相關入學成績對於其入學後的學習表現多為顯著影響,且這項效果較其它科目來的長久,可能代表大一必修學科中,不僅是普遍注重的國文、en-US和數學能力,專業學科的研習尚摻雜了別於前者的知識,故可視自然與社會這類於指考中具有選擇性的科目,為興趣相關的人格特質,或面對不擅長科目的學習能力。 研究結果顯示,在控制入學成績影響之後,畢業於明星高中之學生族群之學業表現,並無顯著差異於其他族群。這表示除了透過入學考試及甄選成績表現外,是否畢業於明星高中並非大學生學業表現的關鍵因素。如果進一步以就讀私立明星高中為家境較佳的替代變數,本研究發現畢業於私立明星高中之學生,其學業表現亦無顯著異於其他族群。 從社團表現中,發現具學術性社團參與傾向之學生族群,無論入學管道,學業表現明顯高於其他性質之族群,且當控制入學成績之影響時,其學業表現依然較為優秀,由此推斷學生興趣傾向學術性活動與其學業成績具有正向關聯。 This research aims to gain further understanding on the linkages between the abilities reflected in the scores in the entrance exams and their club participations and their academic performance after admission to the university. We use a sample of undergraduate students from the selected programs in Tunghai University during 2006 and 2015 to examine the key factors that might be responsible for the performance differences among students admitted via different channels. While most of existing literature focuses on the students from top ranked universities, the sample of Tunghai students presents a rather interesting case for studying the impacts of low fertility in Taiwan on college admission, student quality and performance. We find that students’ academic performance differences are positively correlated to their scores of natural and social science subjects in their GSAT (General Scholastic Ability Test). It suggests that the abilities and personal characteristics reflected in the scores of these two selective subjects might present a better prediction power on students’ college scores than by the scores of Chinese, English and mathematics, which are the subjects normally drawn more attention to most high school graduates and schools. In this research, we also examine whether students’ high school alma mater has an impact on their academic performance in college. As we group the students according to whether they graduated from the top-ranked high schools, we did not find evidence of substantial difference in academic performance in college between groups when we control the scores in the entrance exams. Similarly, we did not find statistically difference in their college academic performance between the graduates of the top-ranked private high schools, who are more likely from a well-to-do family, and others. Regardless of the channel of admission, the academic club participants performed better in their study compared to other students. The difference remains when we controlled the scores in the entrance exams. It suggests that the students’ interests reflected in their club participation have a profound connection to their academic performance in college.