人類隨著經濟寬裕,進而追求物慾及口慾的滿足,「飲食」不僅僅止於肚腹飽足的生存欲求,隨著人類文明進程,在不同的時間、地域它逐漸形成一種層疊壘佳的族群特色文化。而「佛跳牆」近年來每每成為國家宴席、節婚慶典、豪華宴席、年菜料理之中的主要菜餚。這道菜餚有著特殊澎湃的張力及多元的食材,讓饕客的味蕾經由多樣食材的「本味」融合得到充分的滿足。 本研究試從歷史文獻、資深大廚深度訪談及觀察實作的型態,來探討「佛跳牆」它如何可以起源於官宦宴飲珍品饗饌,經由食材的增、換、改成為家喻戶曉的「庶民美食」。 Along with economic prosperity, eating isn’t only meant to fulfill basic need. It is a search to satisfied your taste bud. With the developing civilization, the region has gradually formed a kind of overlapping ethnic characteristic culture through time. “Buddha Jumps Over the Wall” has become the main dish in national banquet and wedding ceremony. This dish is characterized by diversity of ingredients, let the guests to be fully satisfied by the various ingredients. This research is based on historical documents, in-depth interviews with senior chefs and observations to explore how “Buddha jumps over the wall” is originated from official banquets, rare treasures and treats, and became the well known dish.