本教學實踐研究計畫以全英語授課之通識必修課程 Global Leadership: Trends in Culture and the Arts 為教學研究場域,研究對象為東海大學國際學院國際經營管理學程的大一學生,以 及永續科學與工程學程的大二學生。該課程的獨特性在於修課學生來自不同文化背景,有本 國籍生,還有國際生;另外,英語為絕大多數學生的第二語言。根據過往的教學經驗,學生 的英語程度不一除了增加教學的挑戰,對英語成就低的學生來說,也影響他們的學習興趣及 學習成果。另一方面,少數學生覺得文化藝術領域的課程沒有實用性,而學習動機不強。本 計畫旨在重塑課程,在教學策略上增加科技互動手機 Apps 運用於課室活動中,來提升學生 的學習興趣、參與感及學習成效。另外,此計畫開發三項多元評量方式,除了引導學生自主 學習外,也希望藉由完成這三項評量,他們的整體英語能力能有所精進。研究結果發現,將 手機 Apps 運用在課室活動如小組討論、閱讀理解、Kahoot 遊戲能改善學生的學習興趣及成 效;而多元評量除了能讓學生應用課堂教授的學術英語技能外,也讓他們成為知識的建構者 及傳遞者。
This research project aims to enhance students’ learning motivation and results in the English- medium content course “Global Leadership: Trends in Culture and the Arts”. The researcher (also the teacher of the course) attempts to achieve this by introducing cellphone Apps in the in-class activities so as to encourage more class interaction and participation from the students. In addition, the researcher develops three non-traditional tasks for this course to maximize students’ engagement in active and independent learning of English language skills. In so doing, it is expected that students will gain a better understanding of major Western and Eastern cultural and artistic traditions, as well as advancing their English proficiency. The participant students of this project are freshman students of the International Business and Administration Program (IBA) and sophomore students of the Sustainability Science and Engineering Program (SSE) of the International College at Tunghai University. This research hopes to shed light in the developing area of English-Medium Instruction by exploring the relations between student learning outcome, student learning interest, and teaching strategies and assessments in an international cross-cultural setting.