本設計論文試圖討論歷史公園對於未來發展的可能性;這是一座屬於台中人的記憶公園,他見證了日治時期的城市規劃發展,也曾經成為台灣對外的主要觀光景點,更成為台中地標象徵圖像;但隨著城市擴張與舊市區逐漸沒落;台中公園逐漸成為都市中的一塊荒地,公園漫無目標的整治使公園狀態呈現出混亂不堪,導致公園缺乏清楚的定位,公園不再被市民大眾所活動,本設計企圖為台中公園找尋其新生的價值並且整理出一套屬於台中公園的歷史路徑,試圖重新規劃地景路線,使公園成為一座遊走的歷史展覽館也更具導覽性與教育性;並且借由新的規劃使公園圍塑出更多新的活動場域與都市有更多的延續性。 The thesis is trying to discuss the possibilities of future development of a historic Taichung Park; The Park is part of Taichung citizen’s memory. It has witness city planning and development during colonial stage, it was also a major tourism spot of Taiwan, became Taichung’s symbolic landmark. However because of urban expansion and decline of elder city center, Taichung Park gradually became abandoned. Without a thorough long term plan, the Park is chaotic and has an ambiguous identity. Hence now park is not populated with local activities. The design is trying to retrace history of the Park, and re-organize the landscape routs, to transform the Park into a historical museum with better information and education purposes. And also help the park to generate more activity fields and better connection with the city.