在現今全球化競爭以及大量客製化的世代中,企業所面臨之挑戰也與日劇增。隨著資訊科技以及經濟的發展之下,以往由企業本身製造全部零組件至最終產品之製造環境已日趨式微,取而代之的是產業專業分工的供應鏈生產網路環境。為了要在環境中生存,整個產品生命週期都必須由供應鏈上的企業同步參與。鏈上的每一個個體都必須相互合作以提昇整個供應鏈品質、交期,甚至於整個供應鏈成本,所以企業間的協同合作關係是影響整個鏈的關鍵。在供應鏈網路中生產製造環境屬於分散式環境,每一個企業都是獨立個體具自主性,所以企業在供應鏈中與夥伴協同合作時,彼此間資訊獲得就變的更困難。本研究利用將協定(Protocol)模組化的方式,設計一在分散式環境下協同製造之訂單管理通訊協定,讓企業能夠透過這些協定增加與其相依的企業相互溝通效率,可以快速回應顧客並同時考量是否可以承接客戶的訂單需求,讓溝通及未來發展更具有彈性。最後,設計一套類似應用程式介面(Application Program Interface;API),透過模組化的協定完成訂單確認溝通流程,發展以訊息型態(message-based)為主的溝通機制。讓企業間雖緊密合作但仍?完全資訊透明,以?貼近企業間合作的實際需求。企業可套用此模式簡易地發展出合適本身在供應鏈網路協同機制中的協調流程。 In today’s highly competitive market, business competition occurs not only between companies, but also between supply chains. Distributed, yet autonomous, companies intend to collaborate with others, so they can focus on their core competencies to enhance their competition in the market. However, collaboration relies on quick information exchanges, which are now fragile between collaborative companies. This research use the way of protocol modulization, designs the communication protocols for order management in collaborative manufacturing under the distributed environment. The enterprises can incease the communication efficiency with others through the protocols, quit response and make decision for the customer’s demand orders. Finally, designs a set of similar application program interface (API), complete the communication flow of order confirmation through the protocol modules.The colloboration enterprises are not all information transparent, close to the actual demand. The enterprise may apply mechanically this pattern simple to develop appropriate itself in the supply chain network coordination mechanism coordinated flow.