本研究主要目的在探討以液態培養方式進??苓(Polyporus umbellatus Fries BCRC36435)菌絲生長及形態之影響。?用添加?同成分agar、EDTA、NaH2PO4.2H2O、Carboxymethyl cellulose sodium salt、改變轉速?提高?苓菌絲體產?並觀察其對形態產生之變化。於250 mL三角瓶中,以100 mL基礎培養液添加(0.2% w/v)?同添加物在pH=5.5、25 ℃下培養14天,之後進?菌體乾重及其形態的分析。實驗結果顯示:以添加(0.2% w/v)之agar高分子的菌體?高於控制組2倍,在?種?同轉速下,100 rpm形成緊密的菌絲球顆?,而150 rpm則形成鬆散之菌絲體,以150 rpm培養時,可得較高菌體濃?。在?同添加濃?方面,agar以添加(0.2% w/v)為最佳,菌體重可達5.62 g/L,carboxymethyl cellulose sodium salt以添加(2 % w/v)為最佳,菌體重可達9.11 g/L。 在發酵槽方面,以間歇式攪拌方式培養,菌體濃?明顯提升可到達6.10g/L,比定速攪拌方式培養?的高,升長速?也明顯增快,而添加agar之發酵槽為最佳的生長,可提升菌體濃?達16.76 g/L。 關鍵字:?苓、菌絲形態、絲?真菌、高分子添加。 Abstract The main purpose of this research was to study the effects of culture conditions on the mycelium growth and morphology change of Polyporus umbellatus Fries BCRC36435 in submerged culture using shake flasks and stirred tank bioreactors. Some components including agar, EDTA, NaH2PO4.2H2O and carboxymethyl cellulose sodium salt were added into the medium to increase mycelium yield and to observe morphology change. The results indicated that the addition of agar (0.2%) resulted in a 2-fold increase of mycelium concentration. Compared with the results of 100 rpm, higher rotation speed (150rpm) could result in the formation of the pellets with loose structure and higher biomass concentration. Concerning the effect of the concentrations of additives, the optimums for agar and carboxymethyl cellulose sodium salt were determined to be 0.2% and 2% individually. The additions could cause the mycelium concentration increase to 5.62 g/L and 9.11 g/L. In stirred tank bioreactors, an intermitent agitation scheme could lead the biomass concentration to 6.10 g/L and was shown to have a positive effect on a mycelium growth rate and final biomass concentration. When agar was added, the mycelium concentration could even reach to 16.76 g/L. Key word: Polyporus umbellatus, fungi morphology, filamentous fungi, polymer addition.