近幾年來,隨著物件導向設計的技術快速發展,軟體架構的設計乃逐漸受到廣泛的重視。各種幫助使用者分析、比較並探查系統架構的研究與工具也因應而生。本論文透過軟體設計相似度的研究,提出一個計算軟體設計相似度的演算法,幫助設計者經由對同類型軟體設計間的比較,以及透過觀察軟體系統設計上的關鍵點,讓設計者能方便比較兩個軟體設計上的差異與相似處,進而分析設計上的優劣並據此改善軟體設計。本研究我們實作此演算法用以分析以Java技術為主所發展的軟體系統設計。 Recently, object-oriented design has become the major trend in software development. Many research issues are raised especially for improving the quality of the software design. Among these issues, by comparing the similarity of two software is a good direction to improve the design of the software. In this research, a similarity solution for object-oriented design is proposed. It can help identify the similar and different portions of the designs. Based on the information obtained from this solution, software designers can easily study the difference and improve their design. In order to show the superiority of our solution, we further apply this technology to the Java-based software development. It shows that by observing the similarity of the design, it really can help designer identify the critical portions of the design and improve the quality.