Abstract: | 本研究目的在透過「個案比較研究」,瞭解台灣都市社區邁向可持續發展的機會、問題與途徑。筆者以台灣高密度發展之台北市芝山岩社區與台南市金華社區作為個案比較研究對象,藉由個案社區相關文獻的收集、整理、田野調查、訪談,及本研究所建立的評量指標評估二社區的執行成效,再輔以筆者的深入描述,找出個案社區在相關作法上的共通性與歧異性。並針對二社區所面臨的課題、瓶頸提出改善建議,作為社區未來發展及公部門制訂相關政策之回饋性資料。本研究參考國內外案例及相關領域學者之成果,與考量台灣都市特有自然環境條件後,初步建立台灣都市社區可持續發展評量指標,分為環境、經濟、社會、生活品質四個面向,共包括11個主項目及17個次項目。另方面,本研究回顧了二社區所處台北與台南二市有關可持續發展的政策與計畫,發現台北市已有許多計畫付諸實行,但仍停留在以社區環境改造及生態社區營造為主,缺乏整合的架構。而台南市對於社區環境經營仍屬起步階段,除配合中央之計畫外,並無任何直接以社區為推動主體的相關計畫。同時,現階段二市均有政策、資源不延續及缺乏對可持續社區完整認知等問題。研究結果發現:芝山岩社區與金華社區目前對於社區環境改造或生活品質的維護,大抵都能涵蓋可持續社區的四個面向(環境、社會、經濟與生活品質面向)。但二社區除了環境面向表現良好之外,其餘面向表現只能算是中等,仍有許多努力空間。芝山岩社區雖然一直持續進行社區建設,但未跳脫以環境面向為思考的限制,且均於配合市政計畫下才慢慢展開;反觀金華社區在核心人物的帶領下,不但主動進行社區生活環境改造,且擁有「福利化社區」、「陪伴社區」等可持續發展的整體概念,還提出具體的永續社區願景與計畫。在社區環境規劃、教育課程上也逐步將可持續發展理念納入,這都促使金華社區的整體表現較佳。最後,經由二社區的比較、分析後,可發現邁向可持續社區的關鍵因素有下列五項:一、核心人物之領導的前瞻性與企圖心。二、專業者所扮演的觸媒角色。三、需透過教育,教導社區相關知識與技能。四、環境、社會、經濟、生活品質面向需相輔相成。五、認清地方政府與社區角色間分工之差異。 The research aims to understand the problems of urban communities in Taiwan and try to bind ways and opportunities toward sustainable development through a comparative case study. Taipei’s Chi-Shan-Yen and Tainan’s Gin-Hwa two densely-developed Communities are chosen to be the subjects of comparison. By collecting and reviewing two cases’ literature, conducting field works, utilizing the evaluation indicators established by this research to assess the implemental process and their establishment of two cases, and throw the researcher’s in-depth description, the similarities and difference of the two case communities are identified, and improvement recommendation in practice are given, so the findings can serve as feedback data for community development or administration setting up policy.With references from domestic and foreign cases as well as the findings of relative academic fields, and considerations of the unique natural environmental conditions around urban areas in Taiwan, a preliminary list of evaluation indicators for the sustainability of Taiwan urban communities has been established, which can be divided into four dimensions i.e. environmental, economic, social dimension and living quality, and contains 11 primary and 17 secondary items. On the other hand, the study has reviewed related policies and projects on the sustainability of two cities - Taipei and Tainan. It is found that for Taipei, a large number of the projects have already been implemented, despite that most of them are primarily restricted to the environmental reconstruction and eco-community construction, and without a general framework for integration. For Tainan, however, the management of community environment is still in its initial stage. No project directly takes a community as target of development, except for those projects follow the policy of Central Government. In addition, discontinuation of policy (resources) and a lack of integral cognition for sustainable communities are major problems of the community policies of two cities.It is found that Chi-Shan-Yen and Gin-Hwa both pay efforts on the four facets of a sustainable community (environmental, social, economic and living quality). However, they both perform well only on environmental aspect and need pay more attention on other aspects. Although Chi-Shan-Yen Community keeps on community construction, its schemes are still restricted within environmental aspect, under the projects of city governments few developments. Contrarily, being led by core characters, Gin-Hwa Community not only actively worked on environmental renovation, but also possess integral concepts of Sustainable Development such as “Welfarized Community welfare” and “Community Partnership”. It had proposed a specific vision of sustainable community and action plans. The concept of Sustainable Development is also integrated into the community environmental plan and educational program, all of these are contributed to a better overall performance of Gin-Hwa Community.Finally, five key issues to promote a sustainable community in this comparative study are found:a.The foresight and ambition led by core characters of a community.b.The role of catalyzer played by professionals.c.Education is required to upgrade the community related knowledge and skills.d.Environmental, social, economic aspects and living quality four aspect need to collaborate.e.Recognize the different roles and tasks between local government and community. |