Abstract: | 高美濕地由於泥質及沙質灘地兼俱,加上與河口沼澤地帶鑲嵌在一起,且其間的有機質為底棲生物提供了重要的營養來源,孕育著種類繁多、數量可觀的底棲生物與複雜的濕地生態系統。然而,溼地生態系統的保育,除了誘導式的灌輸遊客在遊憩體驗時具保育觀念外,保育工作其主要在於政府單位政策與當地居民自發性的保育行動。基於對濕地環境的關心為出發點,有必要瞭解當地居民對濕地環境的基本認識,對環境資源保育的概念,居民關懷濕地環境及具環境責任,居民對溼地場所依戀的強度。因此,本研究目的欲瞭解高美溼地鄰近居民對濕地的環境認知、保育態度與場所依戀,並探討居民的環境認知、保育態度與場所依戀是否願意對環境保育進行付費意願與願意支付的價格,進一步採用條件評估法來評估居民對分擔高美濕地環境保育費用的願付價值。同時利用問卷方式進行調查實證研究與統計分析。最後,將結果與前人探討遊客對高美溼地環境認知與保育態度進行比較分析。研究結果顯示,高西里居民對溼地保育態度比高美里居民更具環境意識與積極的態度,顯示居民對濕地保育的態度,受到基本屬性及環境保育經驗的影響,且居民對濕地環境認知越認同,其對濕地保育態度的概念越強與越積極進行保育行動。同時,居民在濕地環境認知、濕地保育態度與場所依戀有正面的取向;因此,居民在考慮對高美濕地環境保育付費意願及願付價格也與其濕地環境認知、濕地保育態度與地方認同感成正相關。大部分的受訪者願意付費來保育高美濕地的主要因素有:濕地保育態度、濕地環境認知、場所依戀、年齡、教育程度、修習生態相關課程、參加保育社團及活動、購買保育書籍與走訪大自然等因子。結果顯示,高西里與高美里願意支付的戶數平均每季每戶願意支付金額分別為607元及694元來保育高美濕地。 Kao-May Wetland which is a wetland full of mud and sand. It is combined with swamps and rivers area which are rich in organic matters that are important nutrition sources for living things there. Because of this reason , there breeds many kinds of living things in the bottom and a complicated wetland ecosystem. However , wetland conservation , not only teaches the tourists the concept of environmental protection but also let them experience it when they are visiting. This job , wetland conservation , mainly depends on the policy of government and the action of protecting environment by the residents there voluntarily. On account of the concern about the wetland conservation as starting point , it is necessary to realize how much the residents know about the wetland protection , the conception of natural resources protection , the responsibility and their attitude toward this environment. Therefore , the purpose of this study is to be known and discussed the cognition , attitude and place attachment of people in Kao-May Wetland neighborhood. Further , to know whether they are willing to pay for the environment protection or not and how much they can afford and accept are also the purpose of this research. To use the contingent valuation method (CVM) makes an estimate of willingness to pay (WTP) of sharing the expenses of environment protection which the residents want to pay. At the same time , to use the questionnaire investigates and proves the research and the statistical data. At last , analyse and compare the result with the environmental cognitive which the predecessors investigated the attitude of environmental protection of the tourists. The result of study shows that the villagers in Kao-Sea Town has a more positive attitude and consciousness toward the wetland conservation than the native in Kao-May Town. And it also shows that the attitude toward wetland conservation is affected by the basic attribute and the experience of environment protection. And the more environmental cognitive the inhabits firmly believe the action of environment protection conception is more powerful and positive. Moreover , the residents will have a more positive thinking about the wetland environmental cognitive , the attitude of wetland conservation and place attachment. Therefore , the reasons that we mention above also have something to do with the WTP and wetland conservation. The main reasons that most interviewers want to pay for Kao-May Wetland environment protection come from environmental cognitive , environment attitudes , wetland conservation , place attachment , age , the degree of education , courses of ecology , the joining of environmental protection club and activities ,buying books about environment protection and visiting nature ……etc. The result shows that the average family , every season of WTP from Kao-Sea Town and Kao-May Town is 607 and 694 NT dollars to protect Kao-May Wetland. |