學校經驗對大學生自我認同發展影響之探討中文摘要本篇研究旨在探討大學生自我認同的發展,以及影響學生自我認同發展的學校因素。本研究以質性研究的方式,訪談十一位大學在校或畢業生,了解其自我認同的發展歷程與特色,探討學生的自我認同發展是受到哪些學校經驗的影響,而學校環境又在其中扮演什麼角色。此外,也關心學生的性別及家庭兩項個別因素如何影響學生進入大學後的自我認同發展。 本研究的主要發現如下︰一、大學生自我認同發展的主要特色為自主性的提升,以及價值觀邁向多元開放。二、大學生參加社團活動者,有助於提升其自我認同發展。三、大學的人際經驗較國高中開放,學生有機會接觸到來自不同文化背景、不同價值觀的同學,而使得思想較為包容開放。四、文組與理組的差異會對學生的思考方式產生不同影響。理組的上課方式以固定答案為主,缺乏師生討論互動的機會,對學生的批判思考與獨立思考的啟發不利。五、學校環境雖不能直接對學生自我認同產生作用,而學校整體的目標、風氣、制度,卻能夠主導學生的學校經驗,而間接影響學生的自我認同發展。關鍵字:自我認同,大學生,學校經驗,學校環境,家庭,性別 The Impact of School Experience on College Students’ Identity DevelopmentAbstract The purpose of this research is to explore the impact of higher education experience on college students’ identity development, and also to inquire into the role of the school environment and individual factors of students, which includes their gender and family. The main findings are: (1) The major characteristics of college students’ identity development are the promoting of autonomy and the diversifying of value. (2) To participate in a club is beneficial to students’ identity development. (3) The range of college students’ relationships is much wider than in high school, and it is helpful for the cultivation of the diverse values. (4) Different academic disciplines lead to different impacts on students’ thinking style. Science and engineering cognition tends to give a set of normalized answers, which is harmful to students’ critical thinking. (5) The school environment could not affect college students’ identity development directly, but the general climates, goals, and regulations could guide students’ school experiences and affect students’ identity development indirectly. Keywords: college students; identity development; school experience; school environment; gender; family.