中文摘要 醫院資訊系統隨著資訊科技的進步提供了甚多的服務,雖然各家醫院所發展的系統目前在進度上有快慢差異,所能提供的服務也不儘相同,然而它們與住院醫療的配合有一共同點,就是常受限於輸入裝置的移動性而有即時性及效率不佳的情形。本研究擬以Panel PC搭配無線通訊技術來解決是項問題,由於Panel PC的輸入方式與桌上型電腦者有些許的差異,因此擬統計分析病人診療記錄,疾病與診斷碼/手術碼之間的關係,醫囑與醫囑執行次序間的關係,而於病人看診時,依診斷主動產生可能的醫囑,方便醫師選取,以減少醫師巡房時輸入的不便。 一方面為了能夠讓醫師開立的醫囑與疾病診斷碼/手術碼相吻合,本研究也將以醫囑推論疾病診斷碼/手術碼,以減少醫師或疾病分類人員誤植的情形。醫囑與疾病診斷碼/手術碼間的關係吻合程度愈高,表示醫囑應能正確地治療該疾病,也代表醫院在醫療品質方面的控制愈佳。因此我們將分析、歸納、統計疾病診斷碼/手術碼及醫囑各自隱含的資訊,便能正確地由醫囑推論診斷碼/手術碼,及由診斷碼/手術碼推論醫囑,並籍由醫囑與醫囑執行次序推論醫囑,再將其以表單方式顯示,以協助醫師快速選取醫囑,並對其進行異常檢查以確定醫囑的正確性。 Abstract Hospital Information Systems (HISs) implemented with Information technologies have tremendously progressed their steps providing many hospital services. The progressing speeds and services may be different in different hospital. However, they all suffer from poor mobility of their input devices. Doctors can not input prescriptions directly into HISs when room inspection is performed. System efficiencies and immediateness are not good enough then. We plan to use Panel PC with wireless Local Area Network to solve this problem. Panel PC is a personal computer with hidden keyboard of touch mode. No physical keyboard provides. In this research, we would like to analyze patient records, the relationships between diseases and their diagnoses, the relationships of the execution order among orders (prescriptions) from statistical viewpoint so as we can automatically generate possible prescriptions from the diagnosis IDs given by doctors. On the other hand, this research will infer diagnosis IDs from orders given by doctors to check if the one inferred is same as the one given or not. The purpose is to avoid the mistake generated from human beings. If the two IDs are the same representing that orders given are possibly correct. It also means qualities of patient care are under control. Furthermore, we will continue the analysis of the implications of diagnosis /procedure codes and orders. The system developed can then induce Tomorrow’s orders for patients to be hospitalized when Today’s are given. All the possible orders (prescriptions), also called reference orders (prescriptions), are displayed on CRT screen. Doctors can conveniently select part or all of them from CRT screen as the order to treat patients. Of course, if some orders that are not showing on CRT screen are needed, the hidden keyboard will be used. Finally, order inspection for correcting abnormal orders is involved in the system developed.