論文摘要內容: 本研究係基於下列目的,利用問卷調查法,來研究QS 9000品質系統要素對部門管理績效指標,是否具有效性與關連性: 一、了解國內取得QS 9000品質系統驗証的各公司現況及基本資料。 二、了解各公司取得QS 9000品質系統要求驗證前後之品質系統變化。 三、了解各公司取得QS 9000品質系統驗證後,對公司相關部門之管理績效提升的影響。 四、了解QS 9000之各個品質要素,對公司相關部門之管理績效提升的影響。 由研究結果顯示: 一、經由T檢定發現,每個品質要素在取得驗証前、後,被執行的狀況有顯著性之差異,証明每家公司在取得QS 9000品質系統驗證後,對取公司的品質保証體系運作,有顯著的提昇。 二、QS 9000品質系統要素,彼此之間均存在正相關關係,亦即各公司在提升特定的品質要素時,其它的品質要素不會因此發生惡化的交替現象。 三、取得QS 9000品質系統驗証,對公司部門的管理績效指標,具有顯著性提升助益作用。 四、各個品質要素均對品保部門之管理績效,有顯著性的影響;而對其他部門之管理績效有顯著性影響的,則呈現不同的品質要素。 五、有5項品質要素,均對各部門的管理績效指標,有著絕對正面顯著性影響,分別是「管理階層責任」、「文件與資料管制」、「矯正與預防措施」、「服務」、與「統計管制」。 Abstract : This study is attempt to realize the effectiveness and relationship between quality system elements in QS 9000 and management performance . According to the purpose of list below : 1.To know about the company profiles in Taiwan that these companies have gotten the certification of QS 9000 . 2.To know the situation of quality system be executed in company after they have gotten the certification of QS 9000 . 3.To know the influence in effectiveness of management performance after they have gotten the certification of QS 9000 . 4.To know the relationship between quality system elements and management performance after they have gotten the certification of QS 9000 . After study we have got some conclusions list below : 1.After T testing , we have found it is significant upgrade to execute the quality system elements after these companies have gotten the certification of QS 9000 .This means the QS 9000 requirement is help the company to build the quality system . 2.They have the positive relationship between these quality system elements . This means , to improve the one of quality system elements will not to trade off another . 3.It is effectiveness to management performance after these companies have gotten the certification of QS 9000 . 4.All of quality system elements are improve to the management performance of QA Division . For the other Divisions , they have different quality system elements are improve to the management performance . 5.These are 5 quality system elements are improve to the management performance of all Divisions . They are 「Management Responsibility」、「Document and Data Control」、「Corrective and Preventive Action」、「Servicing」、「SPC」