本研究主要目的係探討水體中天然有機物質分佈、主要官能基特性分佈與消毒副產物生成潛能間之關係,並使用臭氧處理程序探討不同性質有機物與臭氧反應前後之消毒副產物生成及官能基特性之變化,最後使用粒狀活性碳探討其對不同有機物質之吸附效果與吸附過程中官能基分佈之變化情形。 本實驗係採集豐原淨水場進水口原水,並使用XAD-8樹脂分離將原水中天然有機物區分離成五種不同親疏水性有機物質,包括腐植酸、黃酸、疏水性中性物質、疏水性鹼性物質及親水性有機物部分。其中疏水性有機物質約佔44.2 %,親水性有機物質則約佔55.5 %。消毒副產物生成潛能部分,腐植酸具有最高之三鹵甲烷生成潛能/溶解性有機碳 (THMFP/DOC),鹵化乙酸生成潛能/溶解性有機碳 (HAAFP/DOC)之生成量以黃酸最高。 原水、天然腐植酸與臭氧反應結果顯示,發現臭氧可有效降低消毒副產物生成及減小有機物之平均分子量,疏水性物質與臭氧反應後,部分的結構會變成親水性有機物。在粒狀活性碳 (GAC)吸附實驗中得知,粒狀活性碳主要以吸附aromatic及carboxylic/carbonyl類化合物為主,且易吸附分子量較小之物種,因此可推論粒狀活性碳主要是吸附親水性和分子量較小為主。 結合臭氧及活性碳處理程序是一種可行且有效之處理程序,水體中的疏水性有機物質不易被活性碳吸附,但經臭氧氧化後,疏水性物質會在臭氧氧化的過程中轉變為親水性物質,當進入GAC之吸附程序時,親水性有機物質即被吸附而可將它們大量移除。 The objective of this study was to investigate the relationship among distribution of natural organic matter, functional groups and disinfection by-products formation potential during the pre-ozonation and granular activated carbon process. In this study, we applied the XAD-8 resin to separate the organic matters from the Feng Yuan waterworks raw water into five classes, which are humic acids, fulvic acids, hydrophobic neutrals, hydrophobic bases and hydrophilic fractions. Experimental results show hydrophobic fractions and hydrophobic fractions contribute 44.2% and 55.5% of the NOMs. In disinfection by-products formation potential study, humic acids and fulvic acids has the highest quantity of THMFP/DOC and HAAFP/DOC, respectively. During ozonation of raw water and humic acids, the DBPFP and average molecular weight were found to be decreased significantly. Hydrophobic fraction was converted to hydrophilic fraction after ozonation. In granular activated carbon adsorption, low molecular weight and functional groups of hydrophilic organic substance such as aromatic and carboxylic/carbonyl, were proved to be adsorbed by granular activated carbon majority. Combination of ozonation and granular activated carbon treatment is feasible and effective to reduce DBPFP. In ozonation, hydrophobic fraction will be converted to hydrophilic fraction. In granular activated carbon adsorption unit, hydrophilic fraction has proven to be adsorbed majority with ozonation followed by granular activated carbon treatment. Almost all hydrophobic or hydrophilic fractions both can be moved completely. The disinfection by-products precursor can be removed by our proposed process. The quality of drinking water can be efficiently improved.