本研究利用三角瓶與發酵槽進行深層培養,探討不同培養基成分及環境因子對菌絲體生長、多醣生成以及菌體外觀形態之影響,並考慮在不同培養條件下生成之靈芝胞外多醣分子量差異,最後進行發酵槽放大實驗。 實驗項目分為不同碳源、不同氮源、碳氮源濃度、初始pH、培養溫度、通氣效應、轉速等因子對菌體濃度、水溶性多醣濃度、菌體外觀以及胞外多醣分子量的影響,結果顯示以葡萄糖5%配合有機氮源yeast extract 2.5%,在初始pH4.5、溫度30℃培養會有最高菌體濃度1306.8mg/100ml,水溶性多醣則是yeast extract 濃度為3.0%時為最高,濃度達116.5mg/100ml,另外也發現添加少量的銨離子在短期培養能增加菌體與多醣濃度。 根據GPC分析胞外多醣分子量,發現分子量分佈會受碳氮源種類、氮源濃度、三角瓶體積、初始pH與轉速的影響而有不同的分佈出現。隨著有機氮源yeast extract濃度的增加,胞外多醣分子量會有高分子量的分佈出現,而隨著malt extarct濃度增加多醣分子量反而降低,初始pH4.5~ pH6.5培養的多醣分子量較低,低轉速有利較高的多醣分子量生成,對照菌體外觀的形態發現多醣分子量與菌體外觀形態有密切關係。 發酵槽培養多醣分子量普遍比三角瓶培養的大而且菌體不易形成緊實的菌絲球。 In this research, the submerged cultures of Ganoderma lucidium were carried out in shake flasks and a fermentor to study the effect of the medium composition and the environmental factors on the production of mycelia, extracellular polysaccharide and the mycelia morphology. In addition, the influence of different cultivation conditions on the molecular weight of polysaccharide was also investigated. Experimental items were divided into the different types and concentrations of C-sources and N-sources, initial pH, temperature, surface aeration and rotating speed, etc. The results indicate that the cultural medium containing glucose 5%, yeast extract 2.5%at initial pH4.5 and 30℃reached to a highest mycelial concentration of 1306.8mg/100ml. Yeast extract of 3.0% would be favorable to the formation of water-soluble extracellular polysaccharide. Some of medium composition and environmental conditions tested above were found to have an influence on the distribution of molecular weight of extracellular polysaccharide. Higher concentration of yeast extract in the medium caused the increase of molecular weight of polysacchride. In contrast, higher level of malt extract might lead to the reduction of molecular weight. Initial pH ranging from 4.5 to 6.5 could lower the molecular weight of polysaccharide formed. Lower rotation speed was beneficial to the formation of polysaccharide with higher molecular weight. In addition, the molecular weight of extracellular polysaccharide was strongly associated with mycelia morphology. In fermentor cultures, the results reveal that the molecular weight of polysaccharide could be lower than that obtained from shake flasks and the pellets formed were also incompact in nature.