本論文主要是以數值方法探討水錘(Water Hammer)現象。利用數值分析並且配合上特徵法(Method of Characteristic)來計算模擬水錘現象。以期能迅速準確的求得發生水錘現象後壓力波於管路系中之震盪情形及其壓力及流量變化。 現在雖已有一些探討水錘現象的商用程式上市,但都不是針對於化工廠所撰寫的,並且過於煩雜。本論文首先利用流體的連續方程式和動量方程分別以低馬赫數、不易壓縮等假設來加以簡化,來求得到單相流體暫態的統禦方程式,並且探討以不同邊界條件及假設所建立之各類管件的數學模式。然後依此利用Fortran程式語言撰寫成程式,然後與其他學者所做之計算數據或實驗結果相以印証,以証明此程式之可靠性及實用性。再以此程式利用不同的操作件來探討,以何種方式操作可以降低水錘現象之影響。 The research of this thesis is to study the phenomenon of water hammer with a computer programming. Water hammer occurs in the piping system of industrial factories, which not only can cause the cacophony but also endanger the piping system and lead to some casualties. Therefore, we apply numerical analysis with the method of characteristics to compute the pressure and flow rate of water hammer caused by rapidly closing valve in a piping system. The phenomena of water hammer from our calculation are used to compare the results of previous publications [1,5], we find the results of comparison being exactly as expecting. The subject of this research is not new. Nowadays, although some commercial programs of water hammer are available but which are not written for the field of chemical engineering and seem to be complicated. In this thesis, we formulate the governing equations of water hammer of single phase from the equation of continuity and the equation of momentum of the fluid mechanics. The method of characteristics is applied to compute the numerical solution of the governing equations. The computer programming developed in this research can be applied to complex piping networks consisting of any number of dead ends , elbows, multi-loop, orifices, multiple branch tees, changes of flow passage cross sections, check valves and pumps.