本研究鉛蓄電池工廠之原生污泥與污泥混合樣品,於不同溫度下(300˚C、500˚C、700˚C、900˚C及1100˚C)進行熱處理,處理時間為2小時後,再以事業廢棄物溶出程序(Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure, TCLP)測定其溶出值、以掃描式電子顯微鏡(Scanning Electron Microscope, SEM)測定其表面型態、以X光粉末繞射(X-Ray Powder Diffraction, XRD)測定結晶之化合物、最後以X光吸收光譜(X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy, XAS)研究鉛於熱處理時之物種變化及其周圍鍵結結構。 原生污泥部分:發現經熱處理後,其TCLP溶出值隨熱處理溫度上升而有下降之趨勢。但是在700˚C時,卻反而大幅升高,因可能是因為熱處理後原生污泥基質收縮且顆粒聚集,使其表面積增加,導致TCLP溶出值異常升高。而XAS結果顯示,熱處理前後污泥所含鉛之物種皆是以PbSO4為主,顯示熱處理並無法有效地分解原生污泥所含之PbSO4,。 而在污泥混合黏土或高嶺土部分:樣品經熱處理後,其TCLP溶出值隨熱處理溫度上升而有下降之趨勢,但是其溶出值卻有部分高於原生污泥,顯示將原生污泥混合黏土或高嶺土將會提昇其鉛之溶出率,顯示混合樣品及其熱處理為處理此一污泥為不可行之方法,需再以更新方式處理。 This study was about Pb-containing sludge from a Lead-acid battery factory. We mixed it with clay or kaolin. Then, we treated thermally sludge and its mixtures at 300˚C, 500˚C, 700˚C, 900˚C, and 1100˚C. And study by TCLP (Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure), SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope), XRD (X-Ray Powder Diffraction), and XAS (X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy). The results were that after thermal treatment, leaching amount of TCLP from sludge decreased with temperature increasing. But leaching amount increased substantially at 700˚C. It could be that the surface at 700˚C was shrunk by SEM. The result of XAS was that the major species is PbSO4. And we also found that CN decreased with temperature (300─700) increasing. It could be that PbO in this sludge changed to α-PbO and β-PbO.