本研究採用單體插層聚合法之技術,在一定反應條件下以溶液聚合方式,分別合成奈米級分散尺寸之聚丁基丙烯酸甲酯(PBMA)與聚苯乙烯(PS)系統之奈米複材。討論在添加不同含量之有機蒙脫土條件下,複材之材料結構與熱性質以及其流變性質之變化情形。其中我們以XRD、TEM鑑定其顯微結構,TGA、DSC、DMA分析其熱性質,而以RDA II與毛細管流變儀來分析其穩態及動態流變性質,並企圖以TEM與XRD分析探討其顯微結構與流變性質之關係。 由結果顯示,在熱性質方面,TGA測得兩系統之奈米複材熱裂解點皆有顯著提昇,且隨有機黏土含量增加會有逐漸飽和之現象;DSC結果顯示:當添加有機黏土後,其玻璃轉移溫度會有升高的趨勢。DMA分析結果亦有此現象。由XRD可知有機黏土結構在添加入基材後會被撐開且高溫熟化有助於擴大有機黏土之層間距。TEM可發現熟化溫度可影響PBMMT系統之分散情況。就流變行為而言,複材之穩態剪切黏度會隨濃度增加而提高,且填充材含量愈高則複材之剪稀現象愈明顯;動態頻率掃描顯示:於低頻率時,奈米複材則呈現末端束縛(end-tethered)現象,而會有低頻斜率拉平之趨勢。最後,我們亦發現,溫度會改變複材之顯微結構,進而影響複材於低頻下的動態流變行為。 This research adopts the technique of in-situ solution polymerization to synthesize the PBMA/organo-clay and PS/organo-clay nanocomposite. The thermal properties of the obtained nanocomposites are characterized by TGA、DSC and DMA. The nanostructore was observed by XRD and TEM. Their melt rheological properties are measured and analyzed using a rheometer of rotational type(RDA II)and a capillary rheometer. All the material properties could be interpreted by the nanostructure revealed by XRD patterns and TEM micrographs. The results of this study are summeried as follows. The thermal decomposition temperature of this two systems are increased obviously by the addition of montmorillonite. The glass transition temperatures of both systems were rised with the amount of organo-clay in DSC analysis, and we found the same trend in DMA analysis. The XRD profiles showed, the peaks of nanostructure shifted to lower angles, and annealing temperature affected the dispersion of PBMMT as shown in TEM micrographs. In the rheological behavior, we found that shear viscosity increased with the concerntration of filler. Moreover, the higher is the cencerntration of the filler, the more obvious is the shear-thinning behavior. In the dynamic rheological tests, level-off storage modulus appears in low frequencies for nanocomposites. Finally, we found that the annealing temperature changed the nanostructure, and further affected the dynamic rheological behavior in low frequencies for nanocomposites.