本研究主要目的是應用「容忍區間」理論搭配”DINESERV”量表,以問卷調查方式探討星巴克之服務品質認知。藉由容忍區間(ZOT),可將顧客期望與感受星巴克所提供之服務水準,由傳統單點測量模式擴充為三行評量模式,能確實且深入地探究顧客不滿意之因素、了解星巴克服務品質優弱勢、排列與管理星巴克須改善之服務品質順序並找尋改善途徑,明確提供組織服務品質管理方向。經科學的統計方法檢驗與分析問卷回收資料,並以容忍區間呈現後發現,此次使用ZOT理論評量國內知名咖啡餐飲星巴克之服務品質,除了驗證ZOT理論架構的確是存在且可行之外,更重要的是本研究突破最初ZOT的理論架構與應用方式,藉由科學的量化實證研究方法,更進一步的將ZOT內部之服務品質滿意意涵,由原先的「滿意且可接受之服務」,擴展為「高度滿意」以及「低度滿意」,使得ZOT服務品質評量更趨完備。最後,本文也建議星巴克,若要提升競爭力與維持服務品質,當務之急,應優先改善各門市之洗手間清潔,並增加洗手間數量,然後再考慮設計提供更親切且明顯的促銷看板,改善服務流程設計與管理以提升服務速度,加強專業性以及服務品質等相關人力資源訓練內容。 The main purpose of this research was applying “Zone of Tolerance” theory with “DINESERV” scales to evaluate service quality in Starbucks. By using the “Zone of Tolerance”, we could enrich the customers’ expectations and perceptions to multiple evaluations from traditional single discrete measure, and found the customer satisfied and dissatisfied or even low satisfied factors then ranked the service quality improving list. Finally, search the solutions, and offer organization precise directions of service quality improvement and management. After using scientific methods to analyze the “Zone”, we make progress to identify and separate the service quality evaluation to “High level satisfactions” and “Low level satisfactions” in the “Zone”. Finally, we suggest Starbucks should improve its cleaning and increase the amount about restroom, make the menu friendlier, modify the service process and intensify the training of employee about professional service characteristics and skills with service quality.