摘 要 國內開放菸酒製產進行菸酒自由化以來,民間業者自釀啤酒的情況並不多,這顯示國內在長期專賣制度下對這方面認知的缺乏,但也顯示出這方面的商機。因此本研究乃針對國內觀光休閒農莊業者進行設置小型啤酒廠進行意願的調查與探討,同時了解目前啤酒市場的現況。 研究結果顯示所有受訪的觀光休閒農莊有48.94%的業者不知道開放菸酒的相關法令,對設置小型啤酒廠之瞭解程度不高,受訪廠商對於設置小型啤酒廠的相關資訊搜尋不易,在設置小型啤酒廠的因素分析結果以啤酒口味多樣化最被認同。而業者考慮設置的動機方面,最主要是如何維持啤酒的新鮮精釀,次要的考慮動機為可以有區隔市場及多角化的經營。在機械設備要求方面,以機械設備的使用率,人才技術取得的問題,機械設備成本的回收率及是否能幫助建立自產自銷的特色為重要的考慮因素。在無意願設置的因素方面,由於設置後的場地與管理上和現有的餐飲管理方式不同,人才技術問題以及投入的成本過高,消費者的接受度和產量的調控不明確等,都是造成業者無意願設置小型啤酒廠的因素。整體而言,台灣的觀光休閒產業蓬勃發展,相關環境漸趨成熟,有助於設置小型啤酒廠的發展,未來觀光休閒農莊在設置小型啤酒廠上將可實行。 關鍵字:觀光休閒農莊、小型啤酒廠、啤酒 ABSTRACT The government in Taiwan has opened the wine and cigarette market to the private sector, but there have not been many businesses interested in producing it. The manifestation of this situation can perhaps be attributed to the aspect of long-term selling monopoly by the government. The purpose of this study is to survey the willingness of Leisure Farm Village to invest in setting up a mini-brewery beer plant. The results indicate that 48.94% of business operators do not know the related ordinances for manufacturing wine and cigarettes. They lack the understanding of how to start a mini-brewery beer plant. Also, it is hard for them to visit the manufacturer and get the related information. Factor analysis of small scaled factory of the beer with diversification of the taste of the beer most approved was performed. However, the motivation of the investor included the freshness of beer, the economic scope of the business, and the segmentation of the wine market. They also considered the return rate of buying equipment, the utilization of the equipment, the beer produce operators, and the beer market. For those who were not interested in setting up a beer plant, their considerations included extremely high starting costs, consumer tastes, and unclear demand sides. But in general, Taiwan’s leisure farm village is developing very fast. The mini-brewery beer plant for the village owner has a lot of potential. Keyword: Leisure Farm Village, Mini-Brewery Beer Plant , Beer