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Title: | 大氣景觀與觀景設施色彩對視覺偏好及空間色彩意象之影響 |
Other Titles: | The Influence of Atmosphere Landscapes and Color of Viewing Facilities on Visual Preference and Spatial Color Image |
Authors: | 張淳婷 Chang, Chun-Ting |
Contributors: | 侯錦雄 Hou, Jing-Shoung 東海大學景觀學系 |
Keywords: | 色彩設計手法;色彩調和;視覺偏好;空間色彩意象 Color Designing Approach;Color Harmony;Visual Preference;Spatial Color Image |
Date: | 2004 |
Issue Date: | 2011-05-19T07:27:31Z (UTC)
Abstract: | 本研究目的是研究大氣景觀與設施色彩交互作用對觀賞者視覺偏好及空間色彩意象的關係,並探討專業訓練差異的觀賞者類型對設施色彩調和關係在視覺偏好與空間色彩意象上之影響,以及色彩嗜好差異的觀賞類型對設施色彩視覺偏好上的影響,進而針對自然地區觀景設施之色彩設計手法上提出建議。經過資料收集分析與理論推衍後,本研究以玉山國家公園塔塔加遊憩區為實證調查基地,考量有較多從事遊憩賞景活動的機會,而以晴天、雲霧與黃昏三種大氣景觀為研究類型,並依環境色彩調查結果,將其環境主色系分別為藍色、黃綠色與橙紅色,利用Moon&Spencer色彩調和理論,找出其同一調和色、類似調和與對比調和色等色彩,以影像模擬的方式將三種大氣景觀分別與七種設施色彩情形模擬,加上原始景觀(無設施物設置)為對照組,組成24張受測相片對觀賞者進行問卷調查,本研究問卷以語意差異分析法設計,共有5個語意量尺:喜愛的(視覺偏好),深刻的、樸素的、親切的與幽靜的(空間色彩意象)。 利用重複量數變異數檢定(Repeated Measures ANOVA)分析結果顯示,不同大氣景觀狀態對觀賞者視覺偏好與空間色彩意象有顯著差異;設施色彩與環境色彩調和關係對視覺偏好的影響效果較小,對空間色彩意象則有部分影響效果;專業訓練差異的觀賞者類型對視覺偏好有顯著差異,但對空間色彩意象中深刻意象沒有顯著差異,對樸素、親切與幽靜意象有差異;色彩嗜好差異的觀賞者類型對設施色彩視覺偏好有顯著影響;且視覺偏好與樸素、親切與幽靜的意象具有相關性,但和深刻的意象之間沒有顯著關聯。整體而言,設施色彩以橙紅色、黃綠色對偏好效果大;深刻意象以黃綠色效果大;樸素意象以橙紅色效果大;親切意象以橙紅色效果大;幽靜意象以黃綠色效果顯著。本研究設施色彩設計手法同時考量視覺生理調和與內心愉悅調和,讓設計者在景觀設計上達到設施色彩與環境色彩協調,使人造設施融合於自然環境,提高視覺景觀美質。 The purpose of this research is to investigate the relationship between atmosphere landscapes and the color of facilities to viewers’ preference and spatial color image and to analyze the visual preference and spatial color image, to different types of viewers who have taken specialized training or not, about the color harmony of facilities. It also investigated the influence of viewers’ color preference and color of facilities on visual preference. Finally, the research provided suggestions for the natural area color designing approach of scenery-viewing facilities. After the collection and analysis of the data and the review of relevant theory, this research selected Tatak recreation area in Yushan National Park as the site for positive study. Since it’s supplied more recreation opportunities of scenery-viewing, this research selected three kinds of atmosphere landscapes: sunny day, clouding and dusk for study. According to the result of environmental color investigation, the research separate color as blue, yellow green and yellow red and use Moon&Spencer Color Harmony Theory, respectively, to find identity color, similarity color and contrast color. Simulating three kinds of atmosphere landscapes and seven kinds of color by image simulation, and take it compare to primitive situation (no facilities), the research finally completes 24 testing photos. The questionary of this research was made by semantic differential method, there were five semantic scales within it. They were fond (visual preference), emphatic, plain, genial and secluded (spatial color image). The result of Repeated Measures ANOVA revealed that the interdependence of atmosphere landscape types and the color of facilities had an apparent influence on visual preference and spatial color image of viewers. The influence on harmonic relationship between the color of facilities and environmental color was less, but this influence on spatial color image had partial effect. The different types of viewers (specialized training or not) had an apparent influence on visual preference, plain, genial and secluded image, but had an unapparent influence on emphatic image scales. The different types of viewers’ color preference had an apparent influence of color of facilities on visual preference. And visual preference had an apparent relation with plain, genial and secluded image, but it had an unapparent relation with emphatic image. On the whole, the apparent color effect of facilities to preference was yellow red and yellow green. The apparent color effect of facilities to emphatic image was yellow green. The apparent color effect of facilities to plain image was yellow red. The apparent color effect of facilities to genial image was yellow red. The apparent color effect of facilities to secluded image was yellow green. The color designing approach of facilities was considered by visual physiology harmony and inside cheerful harmony. It would help designer to make their landscape design coordinating the color of facilities and environmental color, to let man-made facilities be integrated into natural environment and to raise the aesthetic of visual landscape. |
Appears in Collections: | [景觀學系所] 碩士論文
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