近年來,Java技術被應用於各個不同領域,儼然成為目前最熱門的軟體技術之一。但是,伴隨而來的問題則是Java類別檔的安全性問題與版權問題,因為Java類別檔的格式使得它很容易被竊取或修改。而目前大部分的研究主要著重於整個應用軟體而非針對單一類別檔的保護。在本論文中,我們除介紹目前幾種常見的保護方式及其缺點外,主要乃在於提出一個針對Java類別檔的數位浮水印方法,來保護版權資訊。這個新的數位浮水印方法所針對的目標可以是單一類別檔,同時此方法也可以抵擋目前大部分的攻擊方式。 Recently, Java has become one of the most popular technologies for building various applications. However, with the simplicity of the Java class format, protecting the copyright of the valuable Java classes is an important issue to study. In this thesis, several solutions for Java class digital right protection are introduced. We also propose a new Java class watermark solution for protection copyright information. It can enject the copyright information into a single Java class. Our solution can protect the digital right information from several kinds of attacks.