本研究應用PZB服務品質模式,對心臟科加護病房護理人員及心臟手術後病患進行深度訪談,目的在於探討心臟手術後病患對加護病房照護服務品質之認知與期望,與護理人員對病患於加護病房照護需求之認知落差(缺口一),找出照護品質缺口相關因素。受訪個案來自中部某區域醫院心臟科加護病房5位護理人員,及7位心臟手術後病患,收案時間自2009年10月至2010年03月止。結果顯示:ㄧ、護理人員認為心臟術後病患於加護病房照護認知分別為:身體痛苦不愉快經驗感受/疼痛、活動受限制;情感衝擊/無望感、不確定感;應以人為本的照護。二、病患於心臟術後對加護病房照護認知感受分別為:溝通困難(說不出聲音感到害怕);孤單/不安;訊息提供/疾病及治療訊息傳達未滿足。三、分析造成護理人員與病患間認知落差(缺口一)之主要因素為:(一)缺乏完整良好溝通(二)病患心理照護需求未滿足(三)疾病相關訊息照護需求未滿足。 Purpose - The objective of this paper is to delineate the disparity(gap one in PZB model) between that of patients and caring nurses pertaining to the quality of care during the post-operative staying at the ICU (intensive care unit)after taking open heart surgery. Factors causing this gap were then explored. Findings–1.Cognitions that patients experienced as perceived by nurses were:physically uneasiness,pain,restriction, emotional impact, hopelessness, uncertainty and eagerness for patient-centered health care. 2. Cognitions that patients experienced as addressed are:difficulties of communication and fear resulting from temporary inability to talk, loneliness, unsteadiness and limited progress information input. 3.Factors analyzed as causes of this gap one are:(1)lack of pertinent communication between two counterparts(2)insufficiency in mental care and support to the patients and(3)scantiness of providing up-to-date recovering information to the patients.