論文摘要 台灣在產業西進衝擊下,及中國大陸在加入世易貿易組織(WTO)後未來面臨開放自由競爭的市場挑戰,本研究根據Porter之「鑽石理論」的分析架構為理論依據,針對台商工具機業如何在長江三角州創造未來競爭優勢的策略作法,試圖提出一具有普遍解釋能力的理論架構。由於研究主題較少見諸文獻,研究設計上採取定性的探索性研究法,主要研究方法有文獻調查、檔案資料分析、業者深度訪談及兩岸工具機業發展策略進行研究分析。 關於我國工具機業的競爭策略,本研究以「機會」、「政府」、「需求條件」、「生產因素」、「相關與支援產業」、「企業策略、結構和同業競爭」六個關鍵因素之策略優勢為思考中心來發展競爭策略,在各關鍵因素的互動及雙向強化關係下,提出台商工具機業未來競爭策略。 關鍵詞:工具機、競爭策略、鑽石理論 Abstract Owing to the impact of “Go West” investment and Mainland China’s open door policy under WTO regulation, the Machine Tools Industry in Taiwan faces intense competition compare to the past. Focusing on the competitive advantage of Taiwanese Machine Tools industry in Chang-Ching Delta, this study attempts to figure out a theoretical framework based on Porter’s diamond theory. To date, little empirical research has focused on this issue, this study conducted an exploratory research, involving literature survey, documentary analysis and firm interview. Samples encompassed within the strait, Mainland China and Taiwan. For the development of competitive strategy, this study focused on the strategic advantage of six factors, including (1)Chance, (2)Government, (3)Demand conditions, (4)Factor conditions (5)Related and supporting industries (6)Firm strategy, structure and rivalry. Meanwhile, the interaction of each key factor is also taken into account. Key words:Machine Tools , Competitive Strategy, Diamond Theory