在眾多新穎的平面顯示技術中,奈米碳管場發射顯示器是最有機會取代LCD的新技術。由於奈米碳管發射極的起始發射電場與場發射電流密度二項重要品質特性中,相關性甚強,受到奈米碳管的大小、形狀、高度、陽極電壓、陰極電壓以及三極式結構閘極孔徑等多項設計參數的影響。本研究針對三極式(陽極、陰極及閘極)多根奈米碳管場發射顯示元件進行探討,將製程參數最佳化的研究整理成一系統化的方法,以文獻探討的方式,發展出適合場發射特性製程參數最佳化的演算法,不但成功解決起始發射電場與場發射電流密度二者相關性甚強問題,同時建立一個良好且客觀的考量品質特性衡量指標。最後成功找出奈米碳管高度、陰極電壓、閘極位置、陰極電壓等多項參數最佳因子水準組合,並驗証此一方法的成效性,期待能在未來快速提昇製程能力,以作為後續研究者場發射特性製程指標之參考,縮短新產品由實驗階段導入量產階段的時程,本研究對未來平面顯示器技術有所貢獻。 In a numerous flat panel display technology, Carbon Nanotube Field Emission Display(CNT-FED)technology has a biggest change to replace LCD. The turn-on electron field and field emission current density are two quality characteristics in field emission properties.They are strongly correlated and influenced by the shape of CNT、the height of CNT、anode voltage、cathode voltage and gate position.The research will discuss field emission properties about nanotriode(cathode electrode、anode electrode and gate electrode). We integrate optimization of process parameters into a systematized method. According to literature review, we propose a algorithm for optimization of process parameters of field emission properties. It not only solves the problem what the turn-on electron field and field emission current density are strongly correlated, but also creates a objective quality characteristics indices. Finally we can find the best production process' parameter level combination for the height of CNT、cathode voltage、gate position and anode voltage very fast. We prove this algorithm is very effective and practical. We hope that we can reduce the time of new product from experiment stage into production stage. The research will be a great contribution to the future flat panel display technology.