本研究認為,?盟廠商應就生命週期的觀點?進??盟的管?。透過?盟演化等相關文獻的探究,將?盟生命週期劃分為五個階段:策?性決定、夥伴選擇、?盟談判、?盟運作及?盟結束階段。進而根據各階段的演化情形,找出各階段之管?重點,以發展本研究之?盟生命週期管?模型。 本研究以目前?盟仍進?中的廠商為研究對象,透過問卷調查的方式,一共發放481份問卷,回收78份問卷。接著,透過路徑分析進行假說檢定。分析結果顯示:1.當?盟廠商處於策?性決定階段時,確認公司從事?盟之必要性,將有助?盟運作階段中之?盟管?能?的提升。2.當?盟廠商處於夥伴選擇階段時,選擇具策?配適與營運配適之夥伴,將有助於?盟談判中,談判互惠性的達成。此外營運配適高的夥伴,還有助於?盟運作階段中,?盟管?能?的提升。3.當?盟廠商處於?盟談判階段時,談判互惠性將有助?盟運作中之?盟管?能?,及最終的?盟滿意?的提升。4.當?盟廠商處於運作階段,?盟管?能?的運用將有助最終?盟成效的提升。 This study believes the firms should managing the alliances in the view of life cycle. we distinguish the alliance into five stages: strategic decision, partner selection, negotiation, alliance operation and ending. According to the evolution situation at each stage, this study tried to find out the managerial focus at each stage, and then developed the model of alliance life cycle. Through the method of questionnaire investigation, 78 effective samples of alliances of Taiwanese manufacturing firms were collected and analyzed. And then, using path analysis to test the hypothesis and proposed model. The results shows:1.During the stage of strategic decision, Confirming alliance’s necessity can raise three managerial capabilities at the operation stage.2.During the stage of partner selection. Choosing the partner which have strategic fit and operating fit can reach the reciprocity at the negotiation stage. Besides, partner which have high operating fit can raise three managerial capabilities at the operation stage.3.During the stage of negotiation. Adhering to the principle of reciprocity can raise three managerial capabilities at the operation stage and the final alliance satisfaction.4.During the stage of operation stage, three managerial capabilities can rais the final alliance performance.