人口老化、出生率降低使人力成為醫療產業未來之隱憂,於全民健保總額預算制度施行後,提高品質、效率及降低成本為近年來醫院管理之重要課題,但隨著消費者意識高漲,民眾對品質的要求也相對提升。所以本研究,在品質、人力與成本三方面考量下,探討利用自動化系統輔助批價作業之可行性。將實際系統及人為紀錄之資料以Arena軟體分析,得出合適的機率分配後,運用SIMUL8模擬軟體建構現況流程之模擬模型,再依據現況模擬模型加入改善方案概念進行模型建構及測試,最後針對改善方案使用淨現值法評估方案之資本預算效益。透過系統模擬及資本預算評估,發現自動化系統的確有助於批價作業效率之改善,雖然短期內成本花費增加,但是長期來說成本反而能大幅節省。效率與效益皆有正向之結果,建議導入自動化批價作業使病患接受服務時有更好之服務品質,提升醫院競爭力。 Population aging and low natality is become the potential risk for Taiwan’s medical industry under the National Health Insurance (NHI) system. Additionally, with the global budget implemented by NHI, hospitals are forced to improve their quality and efficiency to survive in the market. Worse yet, the consumers demand higher medical quality. With such a background, this research intends to study the feasibility of automating the charging systems of the hospitals in Taiwan based on the considerations of enhancing service quality and reducing costs.First, this research applies Arena as a tool to find the appropriate probability distributions of customer arrivals and charging service time based on the actual system. Second, this research uses SIMUL8 simulation package to construct the simulation model of the present status. Automation alternatives are constructed by SIMUL8 to insure the performances of the proposed automated alternatives are as good as the present status. Finally, Net Present Value(NPV)is applied to evaluate the economic efficiency of the alternatives.The results indicate that the charging process can be economically improved by the automation system. The initial capital investment can return in a short time period. From a long term perspective, the introduction of automated charging system can reduce the financial burden of the hospitals in Taiwan and bring better service quality to the patients.