近年文獻中指出,在低溶氧環境(如DO: 0-1 mg/L)下,生物好氧硝化及缺氧脫硝之兩階段反應同時完成,稱為同時硝化脫硝(Simultaneous nitrification and denitrification, SND)。SND程序可以解決傳統程序中好氧段及缺氧段操作上之衝突,而SND反應過程中亦不會產生潛在性危害的中間產物。本研究的主要目的是在循序分批式濾膜生物反應槽(Sequencing batch membrane bioreactor, SBMBR)中利用線上監控參數(如ORP,pH與DO)監控同時硝化脫硝現象並使用從Nernst equation推導的模式來模擬之,並且探討應用SBMBR放流水來當做回收用水的可行性。結果顯示高碳氮比(TCOD/NH4-N = 11.0)與低溶氧環境(DO = 0-1 mg/L)可加強SND現象,線上監控的圖形也可以指出反應的終點,並且在模式模擬下也有相當良好的結果。台灣水資源短缺,水回收再利用的議題已經逐漸受到重視,故本研究之SBMBR放流水在經過0.4 μm的中空纖維濾膜過濾之後,只需要再經過加氯消毒或是臭氧化步驟即可用作各類型用途之回收水,例如噴灑用水(灌溉用水與冷卻用水等)、景觀用水(洗車用水)與廁所沖洗用水,尚須注意經過消毒處裡之後不能接觸人體的原則,並且不能儲存需立即使用。 Nowadays, some scholars reported that nitrification and denitrification can occur concurrently in one reactor under low DO condition (ex. DO: 0-1 mg/L), this is so-called simultaneous nitrification and denitrification (SND). SND reaction can solve the problems for alternating oxic and anoxic period in conventional process. The intermediates, which are potentially harmful to human health, were not accumulated during SND reaction. The objective of this study is to analyze SND phenomenon in sequencing batch membrane bioreactors (SBMBRs) with online monitoring parameters, and discuss the feasibility of the effluent from SBMBR as recycle water. The results show high C/N ratio (TCOD/NH4-N = 11.0) and low-DO (0-1 mg/L) condition can enhance SND phenomenon; online monitoring profiles (ORP, pH and DO) can point out the end-point of reactions. The model developed from Nernst equation can fit satisfactorily in all runs. The shortage of water resource in Taiwan is a serious domestic problem, thus, water recycling issue gradually becomes a great cooncern. In this study, the effluent from SBMBR, which was filtrated with the hollow fiber membrane of 0.4 μm porous size, may be used as recycle water with additional disinfection process of ozonation or chlorination, such as sprinkling water (irrigation and cooling water), landscape water (car washing water) and toilet flushing water. However, it should be noticed that the water after disinfection process can not contact with human body and be storaged.