由大肚山地區所撿拾的69顆及鰲鼓地區所撿拾的99顆紅隼食繭,研究紅隼在台灣度冬期間所需的食餌類群及數量,並調查鰲鼓當季的小型哺乳類的族群,以了解紅隼對於主要的食餌類群是否有偏好。大肚山地區的食繭內容物主要分為4個類群共有217隻食餌,主要為小型哺乳類、昆蟲、鳥類及爬蟲類,平均每個食繭有3.1隻食餌。共有2412.5公克的消耗生物量。鰲鼓地區的食繭內容物主要分為3個類群共有283隻食餌,主要為小型哺乳類,還有昆蟲及鳥類,平均每個食繭有2.9隻食餌。共有2506.5公克的消耗生物量。在捕食能力範圍內的小型哺乳類時,紅隼選擇個體生物量大,在中上層覆蓋度高的喬灌地活動的赤背條鼠。 Sixty nine and 99 pellet samples of wintering Common Kestrel are collected from Tatu hill and Augu areas, respectively, to study the types and quantity of prey consumed. The relative abundance of small mammals in Augu area during winter season was also investigated in order to understand the preference of the Common Kestrel in the selection of their main prey type. The pellet samples for Tatu hill consist of 217 preys, mainly classified into 4 types, namely small mammals, insects, birds and reptiles. In average, there are 3.1 preys in each pellet sample. The total biomass consumed is estimated to be 2412.5 grams. The pellet samples for Augu area consist of 283 preys, mainly classified into 3 types, which are small mammals, insects and birds. In average, there are 2.9 preys in each pellet sample. In total, an estimated biomass of 2506.5 grams is consumed.While hunting for small mammals, the Common Kestrel prefers the ones with higher biomass in the like of the Apodemus agrarius, which lives mainly among the more densely bushes.