摘要 設計的整體在於呈現一個都市效率與都市自然〈二者看似對立的抽象元素〉所混成的建築設計。目的在於討論以一種非表層形式的自然系統進入城市的機會。 在設計思維中,所謂的自然系統並非直接地將視覺的﹝綠﹞〈 green〉 帶入稠密的城市空間,而是來自當前都會生活對自然需求的擠壓所釋放出來的養生觀念或 SPA文化現象。因而整個設計思維的論述基礎以自然系統(養生) 與人工系統(效率) 二者相互矛盾既依存的張力關係做為開端,針對基地所在地密切相關之歷史〈historical〉 與地理/地誌性〈Topographic〉線索,依此發展出設計過程的邏輯系統。 此一發展出之邏輯系統的前設建立在構成都市的要素之間,彼此交互變換、作用形成一個城市的成長、衰弱或變形,時間歷程的變換軌跡〈紋理〉可舖陳出背後所潛藏的秩序,設計過程即嘗試對此一潛藏秩序 ;透過想像力的聯結與重組建立一個可供操作的設計策略,設計案最終的表現在於揭示整個設計的價值觀─提出一個可以表達都市自然文化的建築設計案。 Abstract The major concept of this design is to present a kind of architecture pattern which mixes with the efficiency and nature of a city (two elements that seems in opposing positions). It provides a method to look into the chance which may insert to a city with a deep nature system. The nature system refers to a healthy living idea or SPA culture which does not directly means the visual green but the eagerness of nature in a thickly populated city. Therefore, with looking into the historical and topographic cues of local environment, this thesis then begins with the tensional relationships between nature and artificial system (healthy and efficiency) to develop the logic of design. This logical system depends on the interchange and interaction of the elements which decide the growth, decline and change of a city. Changeable course of history elaborate latent orders, and base on these orders, the process of this design was trying to develop a strategy through the connection and reorganization of designer’s imagination. Finally, the value of this thesis was revealed─the one which presents the naturalism of the city.