本設計論述試圖從地域性的觀點出發,探討在地域性差異下不同的環境條件下所反映出來有關光影與建築空間的差異作討論。 在研究的過程中,主要是以光影空間為研究的主題。焦點則放在建築中的濾光機制上,討論光線如何在建築中被安排、塑造與轉換為建築設計者所要刻意表現的主題。 歸結到以位處亞熱帶的台灣與東南亞地區為例,探討因為地域性環境因子(例如:歷史、人文、氣候溫、濕度、地方材料)的不同所帶來的物理條件差異反映到空間與光影的關係加以討論:並對比於歐美國家所討論的光與建築空間相對文化上的不同,藉由案例的研究找出在地域性文化的影響下之空間差異。並以本土角度對此提出在建築設計原則上的建議。期望為本土建築光影空間與環境上的共生再造,提供一在建築設計創作上的參考。 最後,以實際的設計操作:台灣建築館--從光影、材料的角度探討光影空間的議題,從空間構築中的材料(物質)化關係作為本土建築與光影的討論;並以設計案作為論述焦點。 This design thesis explores the differences of light and shadow in architectural space as a reflection of regionally specific environmental conditions. This study focuses on "architectural filters" and the way that light is arranged, molded and transformed in the built spaces that the author intends to present. Drawing on the examples of the subtropical areas of Taiwan and Southeast Asia, this thesis examines how varying physical conditions resulting from regional environmental factors, such as history, culture, temperature, humidity, and locally available materials, are reflected in the relationship between architectural space, light and shadow. To this end case studies are used to identify the spatial differences that have been influenced by regional culture. Suggestions are also presented on principles of building design from a local perspective to serve as a reference on the symbiotic relationship between local environments and the use of light and shadow in architectural space. This study concludes with a discussion of the tectonic relationship of built space as practically illustrated in the case of the Taiwan Architectural Museum, with specific attention to the spatial qualities of local architecture from the perspective of light, shadow and materials.