國內關於宿舍問題方面的研究,多著墨於宿舍空間如實質設備的問題檢討,或是關於住宿理論的研究,以及宿舍空間類型的演化討論;較少著墨於關於宿舍空間使用者使用後的問題;對於男女生的使用差異,以及校園內新建築物落於舊有涵構之中對於舊有涵構所帶來的影響,更是缺乏相關的討論與研究。本研究以東海民國八十九年啟用之「男三十棟男女複合式學生宿舍」為研究主體,透過使用者之意見反應,瞭解新宿舍的使用情形,並探討如性別、住宿經驗對使用行為的影響及新宿舍對校園結構的影響。研究方法以問卷調查法為主,透過訪談管理者、設計者以及使用者得到宿舍的基本資料與初步的問題與假設,並根據訪談結果與文獻資料擬定問卷,對使用者進行問卷調查。 研究工作的主要結果如下: 一 宿舍的規劃階段過於草率。規劃階段的內容流於一般,規劃者的想像不夠,空間內容說明的不夠詳實,且無提及管理方式與管理理念,連帶影響設計工作與結果。 二 設計者錯估了宿舍的物理環境條件,使得某些設計內容如寢室通風、噪音防制、西曬問題等問題處理上出現缺失。另外設計者忽略了使用者生活型態的改變,使得一些設計內容無法適合生活型態已經改變的使用者。 三 管理方式影響著空間的使用方式,使得空間的使用性不如設計者的預期。 四 同學個人的背景因素也著實影響著使用結果,其中又以性別、科系、住宿經驗、生活習慣經常改變影響最為深遠。 五 由於宿舍週邊的相關設備不夠周全,因此雖然出現了校區邊緣化的效果,但其影響校園結構的程度有限。 六 由於量體形式與高度差異性過大,學生覺得三十棟宿舍的外型顯得十分突兀。住宿生雖然沒有排斥男女共棟這樣的設計,但調查結果發現其並沒有幫助男女生產生更好的學習與互動。 In the past, most of studies about the issues of dormitory in campus were focused on the review of facilities, theories, and space planning. Few of them discussed the usage of tenants and the relationship with campus from the viewpoint of Post Occupancy Evaluation. The 30th dormitory of Tunghai University was the major target of this research, which has been erected since 2001 and was the only and first high-rise and co-op dormitory in campus. Besides the interview with the architect, managers, and some tenants of this dormitory, tenants survey was the main method to collect the information of users. Some major results of research are as follow: 1. The content and process of building programming was so rough, so they could not offer much information to designers in problem solving and creative design. 2. Designers ignored the impact of physical environmental factors, such as noise isolation and sun light shadings. They also overlooked the importance and characteristics that the tenants change their life styles over time. 3. Policies and regulations of management in dormitory changed the use of public space those made tenants so incontinence there. 4. Individual backgrounds of tenants directly influence the usage of dormitory, such as sexuality, past dorm experiences and living habits. 5. The Marginality of dormitory in campus has revealed in the incompletion of the related public facilities for tenants. 6. The 30th dormitory still looks very towering and thus intrusive due to its extensive size and height. Although most of the tenants did not object the concept of living together with mixed sexuality, the survey did not show any improvement in school learning or better interaction among the tenants.