本論文的焦點關注在位於迪化街歷史街區中非歷史街廓-永樂市場基地。基地自成一個完整的街廓,與周遭的街廓相比最大的差異是它的公共性,因此它一直被重覆書寫著。目前佔據它的是-棟巨大量體的混凝土建築。迪化街歷史街區的保存已在6年前立法通過,但礙於私人利益的糾葛與現時環境的阻礙,本區仍呈現一種蟄伏的狀態。但永樂市場街廓的公共性卻可為本區的未來帶來曙光,我的設計立意即由此而生。 我認為在思考繼承歷史空間的「都市記憶」外,還要附加上新的價值,藉以創造出新舊間相互刺激的關係。在這樣一個主題之下,有三個價值觀在本設計是必須被提到的: 1.重新發掘永樂市場街廓的價值。 2.永樂市場街廓上的建築物應是一棟都會的多元化的聚合性建築物。 3.歷史街區=shopping mall 的概念以及永樂市場街廓可能扮演的角色。 我相信永樂市場基地應可成為一個觸媒點, 在歷史與現代的舞台上,因勢導利,讓program走向都市、走向人群,在回映過往的同時也創造出新的城市流行與城市經驗。 This thesis design focuses on the site -永樂market place as non-historical block located in the 大稻埕 historical zone. This site of the historical zone is always erased and fulfilled with different points of view to form its functions, organization, roles, and form. Now there is a big mass in the site, however it’s the worst outcome for this area. Since the 迪化 street has been preserved by law in 1997, the conservation has just to begin. I think the永樂market place could do something to make things different in the 迪化 street, so I devote my thesis design to it. The task is to add new value to the place while preserving its city memory and to create a stimulating relationship between the new and old. There are three ideas behind the thesis design: 1. Rediscover the value of the 永樂market place as non-historical block of 大稻埕 historical zone. 2. Return to the idea of the永樂market place as a conglomerate of the diverse houses of the city ,especially contrast the historical blocks. 3. the discussing of the concept: the迪化street could be a shopping mall ! and the roles played by the永樂market place. Finally, I hope in this design I could carry out that people can experience different things happening as walking through the space between party walls just like as the row houses were existing. These things reflect the past and look for the future. However, all of them are just sited in a new public block.