中文摘要本研究主要運用自行搜集台灣中部地區國產車與進口車經銷商之所轄營業所之銷售人員營業資?,探討在工作團隊中,同儕壓?與論件計酬,對個人績效之影響。本文設定模型Ⅰa、Ⅰb、Ⅰc(國產車)及模型Ⅱa、Ⅱb、Ⅱc(進口車)等六條迴歸方程式,經過共線性檢定、模型設定錯誤檢定及異質偏異檢定,最後選擇模型Ⅰa及Ⅱc為最適模式,實證結果顯示:(1)國產車與進口車銷售人員皆存在顯著同儕壓?,當其他人的平均多賺10000元時,會激發國產車經銷商銷售人員個人績效表現多賺近3,988元,而進口車經銷商銷售人員個人績效表現多賺3,438元。(2)兩種汽車銷售體系亦存在顯著論件計酬效果,國產車銷售員每額外多賣一部車之邊際報酬約8,408元而進口車約11,961元。(3)在性別方面,國產車經銷商與進口車經銷商各營業所內,女性銷售人員佔率各為 23% 與 10%,國產車經銷商制度相對進口車經銷商制度更適合女性發展;且發現國產車女性銷售人員平均收入比男性銷售人員平均多賺8,426元,而此一現象在進口車經銷商則不明顯。(4)在年資多寡與底薪高低方面,兩種汽車經銷體系皆發現並沒有顯著影響個人績效獎金。(5)在婚姻狀態方面結婚與否並沒有顯著影響,國產車與進口車銷售人員個人績效。(6)整合本文之實證結果發現在工作團隊內,可以藉由其他團隊成員的表現?樹?規範,形成同儕壓?並搭配論件計酬之誘因設計,可有效提昇個別成員的績效表現。關鍵字:工作團隊、同儕效果、論件計酬、誘因效果、薪獎制度 AbstractThe research probed on the effects of peers’ stress and piece rate compensation on individual performance during teamwork environment. The paper investigates the sales force of automobiles dealers in central Taiwan area. The sample group was divided into two groups:homebred &exotic automobile. This study set 6 regression equations;The models of Ia、Ib & Ic belong to homebred group;and the models of IIa、IIb &Iic are exotic group. We selected model the Ia & Iic as the optimal model by ways of Collinearity Test、Model Specification Error Test and Hetereskedasticity Test. By the empirical data and statistic analysis in this paper, the findings are as below:(1) Both of homebred and exotic groups, the sales team member have significant positive effect on peers’ stress. The individual made more 3,988NTD when peers made more 10,000 NTD in homebred group. Among which the exotic group, the individual made more 3,488 NTD.(2) There is significant effect on piece rate compensation system between two groups. The margin reward is around 8,408 NTD for sale every new car in homebred group. The exotic group is around 11,961 NTD.(3) The influences of gender on individual performance:I、 The female sales representative has 23% in homebred group and 10% in exotic group. II、 Women’s monthly income is higher than men around 8,426 in homebred group; but there is no significant effect in exotic group.(4) There are no significant effects between two groups on seniority and base pay rate. (5) No significant effects on marriage status.(6) The conclusion :a team can use the peers’ performance to make a pattern that arise the peer’s stress; to collocate with piece rate compensation system that can improve the performance of individual staff.