本篇論文當中,吾人推導出gamma(Γ)2上同構的另一種證法,並將Caratheodory-Fejer問題化成傳統Nevanlinna-Pick問題來求解。進而將此方法運用來求二階導數 頻譜之Caratheodory-Fejer問題的解存在之必要條件,以及建立解的求法。 In this thesis, we first prove the automorphism of gamma(Γ)2. The Caratheodory-Fejer problem is transformed into the Nevanlinna-Pick problem for finding its solution. Afterward, this idea is applied to derive a necessary condition for the existence of solutions of the spectral Caratheodory-Fejer (SCF) problem with two derivatives as well as the technique to construct the solution of SCF problem.