『家』,可代表一個家戶成員組成的家庭,亦可擴為一整個家族成員組成 的宗族組織。在一房之下的所有成員皆可稱之為一家。筆者嘗試由房之成 長性、變動性的社會組織觀點,探究其與聚落空間構成的互動關聯。本研 究以資料整理及訪談中所記錄的家族變遷過程為基礎,依聚落發展過程中 五個階段作復原,以進一步對聚落空間構成作研究。第一章主要陳述文獻 回顧及研究方法,並因此建立研究之觀念架構。第二章主要在探討七股地 區的發展特性,透過對聚落生成過程中,自然環境、拓墾型態、土地權屬 關係及家族、信仰祭祀等對空間型態的影響作綜合性探討,提出影響糠榔 村聚落型態之決定性因素──家族組織。第三章則解析聚落發展五個階段 的空間構成,並由各家族分區的成長與遷移過程中,提出聚落空間的成長 模式及運作方式。第四章則落實到家戶單元中居住空間的變遷。由家族血 緣成長、房的承傳接續觀點,探討居住空間變遷的動力及其依歸,並納入 大環境的涵構中,分析其間的互動關聯。第五章則歸結以上各章對聚落空 間與家族結構之間互動關係的探討,提出本土聚落的特質及變遷模式。 "Family",it doesn't only mean a family which made up by members but also expand into a clan organization that made up whole relative members. All the members who belong to some be regarded as a family. The author tried to research the between the sublineage and the village space construction with growing view. The research is based on the records about the vicisstude the clan by inquiry and information arrangement. It is restored periods in the process and furthermore,it studies thef village space. Chapter 1 mainly recounts the historical documents and the way of investigation, so that it establishes its basic conception. Chapter 2 mainly discusses the development characteristics of region. It gives a synthetic research through the study space-style's being affected by the natural surroundings, styles, relationship of land-holding rights, sublineage and mentions that the cause affects the village style most depends clan organization. Chapter 3 sets up the growing pattern and exertion of the space from the process of changing and moving of each part clan-zones.