近年來,再生工程成為歐美高階主管達成企業目標的利器。 根據調查, 在美國知名企業中約有 88% 進行與再生工程有關的專案。而同時,還有 很多的專案正在蘊釀中, 導致企業如此熱衷於再生工程的原因,乃是許 多企業進行再生工程後,獲得龐大利潤; 但是,不明究裡冒然進行再生 工程,而導致失敗者卻高達 60~70%。再生工程能讓企業脫胎換骨, 重獲 新生的原因,在於以整合的角度,根本地思考企業流程。 但是,什麼流 程需要改革? 如何著手改革? 學者雖對再生工程的概念多所探討, 可是 卻尚未對流程分析,有明確的研究或是實行細則。 本研究利用關鍵成功 因素,找出對企業影響最深且最重要的作業流程加以改革, 並以物件導 向的方式,將作業流程建立模型加以分析,找出企業現階段的問題, 以 便提高再生工程成功的機會,最後,以案例驗證本研究流程方法的正確性 。 Recently, reengineering has drawn a very high popularity. Many corporations consider reengineering as a powerful weapon to gain/re-gain their competitive advantages. Based on reports, there are 88% of top 1000 corporations in the United States have initiated the reengineering projects. Some others are in preparation to follow up. Reason for this enthusiasm is because that some corporations achieve huge improvements after this act. However, the failure rate of this act is 60% to 70% high. Reengineering based on the concept of integration and started from the processes point of view. This is fundamentally different from the traditional principle of divided and conquered. Although there are a lot of literature to discuss the meaning of reengineering, there are very few guide-lines have been reported to implement the reengineering process. In this research, we use critical success factors (CSFs) to find out the most important processes. And, an object-oriented approach is adopted to model the processes due to the analysis convenient. Thus, we can find out the existed problems in the processes more easily and accurately. Finally, we applied this method to a distribution center-based company to validate the method.