近年來日本企業在世界各國的活動廣受國際學術界的重視。日本式人力資 源的特色在於終身雇用制、年功制和企業別工會,以及其所互動衍生的內 部勞力市場的建立和日本式人力資源系統環環相扣的邏輯性。本研究即以 人員安定性和系統邏輯性為指標,透過十四家日系企業的實證考察,試圖 解析台灣日系企業人力資源管理之特質。本研究發現,台灣日系企業以雇 用政策、教育訓練、小集團活動、薪資與福利和勞資關係等作法,達成人 員的安定性。從台灣日系企業人力資源管理的形成結構中亦發現,系統內 的特質間環環相扣的邏輯性。本研究釐清的事實不僅在學術上能彌補相關 研究的不足,對日益重視人力資源管理的台灣企業,亦具有參考價值。 Recently, the activities of Japanese companies in the world have been held in high esteem in the scholarly world. The character of Japanese human resource management is lifetime employment,the seniority system and the enterprise union. Also, the internal labor market building and the logic of the Japanese human resource system which caused by previous character extended. We use the employment stability and system logical as a scale and examine fourteen Japanese-affiliated companies to analyze the character of human resource management in Japanese-affiliated companies in Taiwan.