本研究之主要目的係針對改善以往僅就海岸防風林的建造,更進一 步探討其生存環境的相關因子以及所產生之問題,並運用空間設計的概 念以及視覺景觀的手法,發展成海岸景觀林配置設計的準則,以作為未 來設立海岸地區綠帶之參考,使其同時具有視覺景觀、休閒遊憩、防風 、污染防治等多項功能。因此,本研究之目的為: 1.探討海岸地區之生態逆境、植物特性及綠化之工法。 2.分析國內、外的實際案例。 3.找出一套規劃綠帶或林帶配置的準則。 4.透過實例的演練以確立配置準則。 在實際案例的演練中,首先透過基地調查以瞭解基地實際的狀況以 及存在的問題,然後找出其相關之解決對策,並且透過「生態綠化」( green plant considered ecologically) 理念的施行,將林帶加以建 立。對於林帶的建立,除了考量上述之問題外,尚必須藉由對於植物特 性的瞭解以及相關防護措施的建立如防風網,方能使得林帶建立良好, 如此才能發揮防護的效用。而未來在對於人們之休閒、遊憩等需求的考 量下,期望生態林帶由單純之防護機能,發展為具有多目標之使用機能 的林帶。 The present aims at improving the growth of coastal veget- ation by reviewing the influential factors of the environnment and the related problems. In addition, we try to set up guide- lines to arrange the planting zones by means of ecological de- signing and visual landscape analysis. In this way, the coastal planting zones function as landscaping, tourism, and anti-pol- lution. Thus, following topics are attempted in this study: 1. to review ecological adversity, vegetation features, and different landscaping approaches in the coastal regions. 2. to study and compare the domestic and foreign relevant cases. 3. to set up guidelines for displaying the green belts. 4. to operate the guidelines by practicing case studies. It is attempted to realize the actual condition and pertinent problems by site analysis, and build up the green belts with the concept of green-plant-considered-ecologically. In addition to the above consideration, it is necessary to use some related de- fensive facilities, for example, to set up a wind break fence so that the frontier green belt be well protected. It is hoped that in the future the planting zones will not only function as defense, but also for leisure and tourism while the latter ones are getting more essential to human life.