Abstract: | 本論文設計從Kandinsky的點.線.面出發,點之張力形成線和面而構成整 幅畫的張力結構圖,藉由人視點不斷跳動而使觀畫的過程和結果有不同的 特性.在此所呈現的非平面的抽象畫,而是觀畫過程中之特質, 特質如下:. 連續性. 透明性. 方向性. 動態性由Kandinsky的Yellow, Red, Blue 一畫之構成, 在形成另一向度之空間觀念模型,重新看待建築之消長和連 接.臺北市/短暫.混亂.支離破碎的城市捷運/穿梭於鄉野和高樓之間 , 帶 著過去的影子,穿越現在的隧道,邁向未來的天空,展開一連串變幻空間之 色彩.雖然道路視線性的, 但短暫擬結的空間卻造成都市意象之重塑.不存 在的幻境,無現實意義之組合, 化為捷運站之都市新生命. The design is inspired by Kandinsky's theories of point, line, and plane. Kandinsky's paintings can be thought of as being composed of these three elements; construction of them, in turn, is effected by use of "yellow, red and blue". As we look at his paintings, our eyes are almost forced to move from on group of elements of another, revealing the following architectural concepts:. continuity;. transparency;. direction; and. movement.Taipei is a large, metropolitan city, bustling, fast, multi-layered. Its elevated trains pass through the countryside, then along streets lined with tall buildings, bringing the shadows of the past to the canyons of the present, creating a new future. Moving through the Taipei at the train's pace gives a dream-like, almost nonesensical quality to the city. |