論文摘要本論文設計從建立「建築讀寫」關係、意即「想建築」出發, 藉由對於某些理論(場所精神、詮釋)與現實空間(中藥舖、攝影教室) 的交互討論,來揭示空間的存有並反省自我的設計價值,做為個人空間設 計的判斷依據。而討論的進行是以光學儀器中「濾鏡」作為一概念與切入 的方式。濾鏡概念意即建築讀寫應是建立在個人對於空間之「意義」的信 仰之上,但此總體意義的表現是指在於意義間無止境的互動與溝通,其中 缺乏概括整體的一統概念;也就是現實經由詮釋的多角度替代,猶如不同 的濾鏡(模型)過濾相同的光線般,產生關於空間之於主體的價值,並與 主體經驗或是其他藝術創作文本呈現意義上相通的表現。並同時由此概念 推導出關於本論文設計的階段性思考構成:1. 認識2. 模型3. 詮釋4. 作品關鍵字:濾鏡,詮釋,中藥舖,攝影 ABSTRACT :This thesis-design is initiated by the intention to build up a model dealing with both the reading and the writing of architecture, i.e. a model that could support the thinking of architecture in general. Dialogue between theories [such as theory of PLACE and theory of INTERPRETATION] and actual examples [Chinese Herbstore and Photography Academy] is used as tools for the revelation of the essence of space, as well as the refelction of my personal value concerning design. The critical concept for such dialogical-investigation is FILTER which I borrowed from the optics.The concept of FILTER displaced to my inquiry of architecture implies: both our reading and writing of architecture are built upon our belief of the meaning of architecture, acting as models for our interpretation. There can be no de facto architecture but endless interaction between the subject [the beholder] and the object [in my case, architecture] which construct a architectural reality with multiple interpretations. Different models of interpretation, similar to different filters of a camera, visualized different realities according to the values of the beholding subject. Filter inscribes meaning to text.In terms of design, the actual procedure of writing follows four phases which are: 1. Cognition.2. Model.3. Interpretation.4. the Final Work. Keywords: FILTER, INTERPRETATION, HERBSTORE, PHOTOGRAPHY.