隨著台灣都市地區的快速發,都市內人行交通的問題也愈顯得重要。其中 非常重要的一個環節,則在於不同街廓建築物間人行動線的連繫問題。為 了考量不同街廓建築物間公共動線的連繫問題,國外已經發展出完整的人 行立體連通系統,而國內目前一些特定都市計畫地區,也已 經著手進行 人行立體連通系統的規劃。有鑑於此,本研究試圖去了解在國內都市地區 ,發展不同街廓建築物間的人行立體連通系統的可行性。本文首先將從國 外已經具有人行立體連通設施的都市,探討其發展經過、申請作業、事業 機制與相關法令等事項,以了解此設施在國外的實施情形。進而調查分析 國內現有相關案例的生產過程與使用狀況,以了解國內發展建築間人行立 體連通設施的問題癥結。最後再從國內、外的實施過程中進行分析比較, 提出國內發展建築物間人行立體連通設施之基本課題與對策方針,以作為 國內實施之參考依據。經本文的研究結果:一、國內發展不同街廓建築物 間的人行立體連通設施,最大的障礙在於:國內的法令不完備、申請作業 方式不清楚、權屬關係含混以及缺乏空間設計上的依據。二、藉由透過都 市計畫與建等法令的增、修訂,明確規定申請程序與條件,明確劃分產權 與使用權等權責關係,以及訂定空間設計規範等方式,可以使不同街廓建 築物間的人行立體連通設施在國內有良好的發展。 Due to the rapid urban development in Taiwan,the pedestrian traffic problem has become more and more important.There is a very crucial key point within these problems, that is how to link the pedestrian line between the different blocks of buildings. Some countries have developed a complete linkage system for walkers. Mean while, Taiwan has just started to develop the multi-connection linkage system for pedestrian in certain designated urban planning districts. This research is attempting to locate and comprehend the possibility that this type pedestrian traffic linkage system can be developed in Taiwan''s urban environment. First, this research will investigate the development process, the application, the function and organizations of the business and the relative law system, by comparing examples from cities abroad that have developed a comprehensive skywalks andubwalks system. We will use this opportunity to understand theoper production and operation methods. In addition, we will examine and analyze some relative cases of production process and usage conditions in order to derive the problems of the development of pedestrian skywalks and subwalks between building blocks in Taiwan''s urban environments. Finally we will make some comparative analysis between domestic and foreign developments in order to derive some suggestions for future refereneces. The result of this research display these points: 1.The obstacle to the development of the pedestrian skywalks and subwalks between building blocks are the following:incomplete law system, unclear application precess, unclear owner''s relationship and lacking the foundation of space design. 2.We can get a good development in Taiwan if we possess theollwing criteria: a clear application process and conditions by modifying the city plan and architectural laws, a clearelationship between owner''s right and user''s responsibility, and a good rule of space design.