本論文所探討的主題是互利共生,藉由文獻回顧、基地調查、與分析歸納等方法嘗試設計出與社區互動關係良好的小學。 不同建築群體之間的互動關係是建築配置上有趣的課題,不同的建築具有不同的活動,力量產生其間,彼此拉扯互動創造出多樣的生活。 我們的生活環境不是一個封閉系統,而是一個與其所處涵構相互依存的開放系統;在欠缺活動交流場所與綠地的都市下環境尤其需要深入地去探討,在不同的建築群體在活動空間上產生互動的可能性,俾以創造出適合人們居住的生活環境。 小學是國民教育的基礎,更是都市居民之間互動交流的媒介與補足社區生活機能不足的良好場所。隨著教學方法的改變、與社區互動的需要,學校設計將產生結構性的改變。 基地選擇台北市中具示範作用的民生社區邊緣南端的廢棄軍營做為論文設計的假想基地,並綜合學校與社區共生媒介的探討所得之結論與基地分析,發展概念,進行建築設計,試圖以此論文設計為範本,做為日後在學術討論與實際設計之開端。 The topic of this thesis is to discuss mutualism. According to the ways of records review. site investigation, analysis and induction, we try to design an elementary school which is good in mutual relationship with community. It''s an interesting subject in planning when we discuss the mutual relationship among buildings. Different buildings contains different activities and it can create variety of activities and enrich our lives. The environment we lived is an ipen system that works mutually with context. But today, urban urbanites usually lack of open space to develop their communication with others. So it is important to realize the interaction between building, and that is a way to improve our living surroundings. Elementary school is the basis of compulsory education, and is a media for inhabitant to extend their daily lives. Combined with the reform of teaching methods and the need of social connections, the design of school buildings should be more considerate. The site of the thesis design is in ming-sheng community where is a good place to realized community symbiosis. The concept of the project was developed by conclusion of the surrey which had been studied and analyzed specifically. We try to set as an example for academic discusssion and a suggestion for a real project design.