本論文所討論的主題是20c末資訊傳播社會中,影像媒體對都市的影響所形成的“都市建築介面”。 在此認為介於建築內部與外部之間的介面不僅只是一道界於都市中公共、私密領域的分界面,而是反映都市活動與公共空間意識的媒介空間、因此人在都市中的溝通模式、通訊方式會透過實質形態(建築空間、活動場所、交通運輸網)而形成不同的介面形式。 隨著都市的不斷變動,“都市建築介面”在各時期扮演不同的都市角色,並受到現代都市的溝通模式及空間美學影響而有巨大轉變:其中交通和傳播的聯繫概念是串連現代資訊都市核心的主要橋樑及溝通媒介:電視、電影等科技傳播媒體尤其是20c末改變社會、生活的重要力量;論文中將針對影像媒體的視覺經驗及空間行為,轉化到都市層次時,如何與既存介面的重新組構加以討論。 綜合論文中的討論及分析,歸納出影像媒體建構的空間介面類型。並以設計為假設案例:在既有建築program中植入影像媒體的介面形態,反映現代都市的溝通模式及新形態的都市內容;並藉由介面的設計操作呈現都市轉變中的媒介空間。 The topic of the thesis is discussing "The Interface of Urban Architecture" which is firmed and affeected by the visual media in mass informative communication society in the end of 20th century. The interface between internal and extrnal of a building is considered as not only a dividing wall between the public and private area in the city, but also an intrmediary of the space which reflects the urban activies and the ideology of the public area. It will creat differenct interfaces based on the modnle of communication and transportation in a realistic way for the people: While changes are constantly made in the city, "The interface of Urban Architechure " plays different roles from time to time. Also, as it was influenced by the module of communication and the aesthetics of space, tremendous changes are resulted. The concept of networking transportation and communication acted as the bridge and the medium for the core of modern urban information. The technology of the communication media like television and movie had a profound change in society and our life style toward the end of the 20 th century. From the disscussion and analysis of this thesis, there are types of "The interface of Space" identified, and they were incorporated into cases studies:Attaching the image from the interface of visual media into the existing architectural program, then reflect these image from the modul of communication and the context in the city. By designing and operating the interface, it then present the constantly changing space in the city.