本研究針對正在快速成長的青少年設計一個智慧型的健康飲食系統,此系統主要提出兩項新的特色,第一是智慧型的選餐系統,系統提供目前常見的早、午餐食物,並提供熱量、脂肪、蛋白質等營養素資訊,讓使用者能選擇適合自己的餐點,系統以紅、黃、綠顏色來表示此餐所提供的營養素是否超過身體所需,讓使用者能做為自己飲食的參考。除此之外,系統將會紀錄使用者所有的飲食紀錄,除了能讓使用者查詢,系統更提供自動選餐建議的功能,將依照使用者過去的飲食紀錄及習慣,提供建議的餐點組合。使用者可藉由此模式來檢視每日、每週、每月的飲食紀錄並做為自我飲食改善的參考,經由長時間的習慣調整,可用來改善自己的飲食習慣,讓自己不成為容易罹患疾病的高危險群。系統的第二項特色是系統可透過手機無線上網使用,此系統設計成手機版的web介面,使用者可透過任何品牌的智慧型手機及無線網路或3G網路連結,可隨時隨地的操作,此系統亦整合了email系統,能主動把飲食紀錄寄回到自己的email信箱,方便了解自己每日攝取了多少的熱量、脂肪、蛋白質等營養素,透過email可快速的查詢並提醒自己是否有攝取符合自己的營養素,並做為自我檢視的參考依據。本研究將建置一個智慧型健康飲食系統雛型,此系統可做為未來其他相關健康飲食系統設計的參考。 Various intelligent nutrition systems have been developed for on-diet people, specifically those with kidney and liver problems, diabetes, obesity etc. Unfortunately, very little work has been done for a fast growing eating out population who spend most of their daily meals on breakfast and lunch without caring about what they eat. As a result, a part of this population may eventually fall in the category of on-diet people and create extra cost burden for national health budgets. This project is proposed to address this issue. Two key components which have not been explored in the past are the use of e-mail for data communication and a versatile object-oriented intelligent data base system for menu design in the developed system. The idea of the use of e-mail is new and novel. Since e-mail has become part of people’s daily life, it is the best means for people to communicate themselves and store their daily meal record for their archived data bases. This can be done by wireless communication via cell phones. The e-mail can be triggered by their cell phone identity. Such easy use of e-mail allows people to use cell phones to keep track of what they eat and how much the calorie, protein, fatness, and cholesterol they consume. This information is then e-mailed back to create and update their data bases for menu recommendation. The designed system works automatically by touching screen. The purpose of data base build-up is two-fold. One is to design an object oriented data base based on the past history of ordered meals that can be used to suggest favorite and healthy menu for users. Another is to audit eating-out habits of users and further help to correct their bad habits. Such an entire system coupled with a custom-designed data base provides users with a guide similar to Red-Yellow-Green traffic light pattern where a RED/Yellow/Green represents a Bad/Warning/Good meal-order for the menu selection. When Red and Yellow are highlighted by the system, the users will be asked to make another menu selection either using the system’s provided menu or users’ choice. With such a data base the system can also monitor and dictate users’ eating habits and gradually direct users to healthy eating habits. The product of this proposal will be a pilot system that can further server as a base for other similar systems designed for on-diet people whose diets must be controlled under different medical conditions.