本研究主要為設計一智慧型飲食系統之資料庫,此資料庫包含國內青少年外食人口經常食用的食物資料及其營養素資料,該資料庫也將使用在web-based之智慧型飲食系統,系統會依照使用者過去的飲食紀錄、喜好及適合營養素,提供智慧型的外食餐點推薦功能,主動從資料庫中依據使用者年齡、性別、喜愛食物類型及運動量等資料推薦適合的外食食物組合,也會標示各種營養素是否過量,並於系統介面提醒使用者過量的營養素,以指引使用者學習選擇適合自己的食物,避免攝取過量之營養素而造成身體負擔。本系統將讓使用者紀錄每日的飲食紀錄,使用者也可以藉由每日飲食紀錄的檢視來到達到自我學習,瞭解飲食是否符合自己身體需求,進而學習選擇適合自己的食物,改善自己的飲食壞習慣;未來此資料庫也可以擴及到各項疾病病人飲食控制之應用。 This study is to design an intelligent on-diet system database .The key component which have not been explored in the past is a versatile object-oriented intelligent data base system for menu design in the developed system. The purpose of data base build-up is two-fold. One is to design an object oriented data base based on the past history of ordered meals that can be used to suggest favorite and healthy menu for users. Another is to audit eating-out habits of users and further help to correct their bad habits. Such an entire system coupled with a custom-designed data base provides users with a guide similar to Red-Yellow-Green traffic light pattern where a RED/Yellow/Green represents a Bad/Warning/Good meal-order for the menu selection. When Red and Yellow are highlighted by the system, the users will be asked to make another menu selection either using the system’s provided menu or users’ choice. With such a data base the system can also monitor and dictate users’ eating habits and gradually direct users to healthy eating habits.