個別化教學是教育的最高理想。許多教育學者及專家也認為,如果教學內容能夠適當配合學生的個別差異,則能明顯的提高學習效果。對現代企業而言,優秀的人力資源是企業甚為重要的競爭力來源之一,而「教育訓練」正是企業提升人力資源素質的最主要方法。另外,教育訓練也是培養能促使企業永續經營所需人才的重點工作。在教學系統中,訓練課程安排的適當與否,將決定此一教學系統的成敗。能安排適當的訓練課程是教學系統中之重要功能,唯有教學訓練工作發揮其應有的功能,此教學系統才是適用於實際的教學系統。本研究利用基因演算法則,針對適性教學系統中的課程選擇進行研究,探討課程選擇之模式,提出一套具適性的電腦輔助教學系統之課程選擇方法論,此模式著重於教育訓練的課程選擇,可根據受訓者不同的需求而推薦最適合其需求的課程。此外,本研究以工具機業的銷售服務人員教育訓練的課程選擇為範例。總體而言,本研究有下列具體成果︰(1)提出一最適課程選擇方法論,此方法論提供教育訓練課程選擇時之一有效模式。(2)以工具機業銷售服務人員教育訓練的課程選擇為範例,實際建構一「銷售服務人員教育訓練之課程選擇系統」。以此例評估本研究所提出的課程選擇模式之可行性。此外,並整理出工具機業銷售服務人員教育訓練的特性與其訓練課程的特性。 Individualized instruction is the final goal of education. Many specialists believe that training effect can be dramatically enhanced if curriculum is well choosen. In modern enterprises, an outstanding human resources system is one of the important competitive factors. Employee training is a key method to promote the working capabilities for better human resources. Additionally, employee training programs cultivate personnel capabilities for enterprise operation. In a training system, to select appropriate curriculum is of importance. This research studies curriculum selection in an adaptive training system in depth. Genetic algorithms (GA) are applied to curriculum selection in salesperson training programs. An optimal curriculum selection methodology based on genetic algorithms is proposed.The significance of this research is as follows:1. Developing an optimal curriculum selection methodology on the base of genetic algorithms.2. Establishing a computer assisted curriculum selection system for salesperson training in the machining tool industry. Additionally, this research analyzes the characteristics of salesperson training, as well as that of training curriculum. -1 -aApplying the Genetic Algorithms on Curriculum Selection-Taking the Training of Machine Tool Industry as an Example