企業資源整合系統發展架構之探討 研究生:鄭貴安 指導教授:王立志 博士 東海大學工業工程研究所 摘 要 資訊科技的快速發展與演進及全球化企業經營環境的轉變與升級,勾勒出現今與未來的企業經營走向,亦即將朝向『虛擬企業(Virtual Enterprise;VE)』的目標邁進。在如此的背景與趨勢之下,供應鏈管理(Supply Chain Management;SCM)、運籌管理(Logistics Management;LM)、快速回應(Quick Response;QR)等觀念相繼嶄露,也著實掀起了一波世紀末的企業再造與升級的巨大浪潮,然而回歸企業整體營運的本質而言,上述相關概念與目標的達成皆可視為企業整體資源的『整合』問題,基礎條件穩固,爾後才是進一步的功能延伸與發展。 本研究從企業整體營運整合的需求觀點,並參照系統導入/發展的相關理論方法,歸納出一『企業資源整合系統(Corporate Resource Integration System;CRIS)發展架構』,以闡述企業策略、企業流程與資訊系統三者之間的整合關聯與發展步驟,並更進一步的針對企業流程與資訊系統之間的整合關聯進行深入探討。本研究首先探討現今一般企業資訊應用系統所具備的功能模組,進而歸納出一企業資源整合系統架構,並闡述各資訊系統間的功能模組關聯,以幫助產業界能明瞭與釐清各資訊系統在企業營運中所扮演的角色與定位,最後並依據一流程範例情節(scenario),從資訊系統執行運作與整合的角度來歸納各資訊系統間資料的傳遞與整合關聯,以作為爾後進行系統整合之參考依據。 The Development Framework of Corporate Resource Integration System Student:Kuei-An Cheng Advisor:Dr. Li-Chih Wang Institute of Industrial Engineering Tunghai University Abstract Rapid development and evolution in information technology and the characteristics of global marketing and logistics result in the emerging of Virtual Enterprise (VE). Consequently, the concepts of supply chain management (SCM), logistics management (LM) and quick response (QR) are revealed, and they have become the cause of the great revolution in enterprise innovation. If we come back to the essential part of the whole enterprise management, the achievement of the above concepts are based on the integration of all the resources of enterprise (i.e., Enterprise Integration; EI). The objective of this research is to induce the development framework of corporate resource integration system (CRIS) which requires a tightly integration among business strategy, business process design and implementation of information system. Results of this research first explores the functional modules of the application systems in manufacturing industry. Then, the system architecture of a CRIS and the functional connection among the application systems are discussed. Finally, according to a business process scenario, a data flow is developed to serve as a reference for future research in system integration from the view of the execution and integration of the information system.