由於市場環境的競爭愈顯激烈,因此企業為掌握優勢需尋求改變。但在改變之前,需瞭解現況問題為何?要改變什麼?改變成什麼?如何來完成改變?訂定改善的目標,才能確認改變的方向。而應用「系統建構」做為改善現況的工具,是一般企業常用的手段。 對企業而言,建構系統已不再是難事,但能否切實運作來達成目的,解決問題,其答案卻不見得是肯定的。若建構系統前,若能將現況問題做一完整的分析,定義出系統的功能需求,再以此做為系統模型的建構依據,方能將實際的現況予以反應出。依此模型來建構資訊系統,才能確實執行系統目標,以降低建構失敗的風險。 因此本研究的重點在於將現況問題分析方法與流程建構做一結合,探討如何對現況問題做分析,方能將外顯問題背後所隱藏的核心予以呈現。再針對此核心問題進行分析探討,以期尋找出「改善方案」來將問題予以化解。進而探討如何將改善方案轉化,將以流程方式予以呈現改善後的系統模型。最後,以案例來實際驗證本研究的可行性。 Due to the intensified competition in the business in nowadays, firms need to be changed in order to gain or sustain their competitive advantages. However, what are the goals? What should be changed to accommodate the goals? How the firm should be changed? There are lots of questions to be answered first before the changes really to be made. One of the common tools is the modeling or so-called process-construction procedure. Although there exists some off the shelf solutions to guide the process construction, firms used to encounter the difficulties of identifying the "real problems" to attack. It is a must to analyze the situation and find out the real problems before go into the process-construction procedure. Most the industry practices failed in this perspective. One of the main reasons is that they have problem in connecting the analysis tools with the process-construction tools. In this research, we integrate the analysis method (TOC) with the process-construction tool (ARIS) to solve the above shortcomings of the field. At the end, we applied the integrated solution to the hospital management area, particular in DRG problems. The results show the promise of this approach.